Child Sneaks Up On Huge Husky, And The Entire Internet's Obsessed With Dog's Reaction

Aug 15, 2020

An adorable video of a very small child attempting to sneak up on his family’s pet Husky has gone viral and couldn’t be more precious. The small baby gently crawls up to the husky in his diaper, clearly intrigued by the gracious animal.

Little by little, he attempts to pet and pokes the Husky while still maintaining balance in his crawl stands. The Husky looks stoic as the baby continues to pet the large dog’s fur and snout.

Huskies are known for their incredibly unique personalities. Huskies are very active dogs and they need to spend a great deal of time outside. They require a large amount of exercise and are great for people who are active runners.

Typically, Huskies are known as dogs that you should be hesitant about keeping indoors, especially with small children. Huskies typically don’t know their own strength and can knock little ones over with the best of intentions.

This video has gone viral and it shows just how gentle Huskies can be, even with a tiny baby. At one point, the baby even has his hand in the Husky’s mouth and the pup simply gives him a series of kisses and gentle nibbles.

The infant continues to be overjoyed as he pets the Husky’s tummy and neck. It is incredibly clear that the Husky knows his own strength and understands his role is to be extremely gentle with the small child.

To date, the video has had over 14 million views. Huskies are extremely loyal companions. They also are great watchdogs as they are very protective of their owners. They are generally upbeat dogs. However, when they feel their owner is threatened in any way, they have an alarmingly deep growl.

This video shows just how special a bond can be between a person and a pup, even if that person is less than a year old. How special is your bond with your furry friend? Tell us if you would feel comfortable letting your little one around such a large dog, even if that dog is as incredibly sweet as this one!