Chick-fil-A CEO Promised His Father To Uphold Christian Values And Stay Closed On Sundays

Aug 21, 2019

Chik-fil-A has created a reputation for itself as a business that upholds Christian morals and values. Despite pressure to change their ways, the popular fast-food chain refuses to ever back down or give in to those who disagree with their values.

One of the things that make Chik-fil-A different from other companies is that its doors remain closed every Sunday. The CEO of the company, Dan Cathy, has made a vow that the company will always stay closed on this day to honor the company's Christian culture and mission.

However, Dan doesn't just stick to this principle because of his own morals. It's also a promise he made to his father.

Chik-fil-A was founded by Dan's father, S. Truett Cathy. Growing up, Dan was inspired by how his dad was able to make the company prosper without ever giving up his Christian values. On Sunday nights, the family used to gather around their dining room table to eat and discuss the future of the company.

One night, Dan, his sister Trudy and his brother Bubba handed their father a document. It was a written pledge that no matter whatever happened, they would always honor their father's wishes and his values when running the company.

“We will be faithful to Christ’s lordship in our lives,” the document stated, as reported by Insider. “As committed Christians we will live a life of selfless devotion to His calling in our lives.”

Beyond their promises about how they'd run the company, they also pledged to their father that they would always uphold his values in their personal lives as well. "Our family roles as spouses to our lifelong mates, parents to our children and loving aunts and uncles will be our priority," one beautiful line in the document read.

The company, which was founded in 1946, has taken a lot of heat over the years for its commitment to Christian values. Many people criticize the company's decision to remain closed on Sundays, arguing that its inconvenient for fans of the restaurant who want to enjoy a sandwich on the last day of the weekend.

Regardless, the Truett children take the vow they made very seriously. It's unlikely that they'll ever betray the promise they lovingly made to their father.

We think it's inspiring that Dan and his siblings are so committed to honoring their parents' wishes and running the company in a way that would make their dad proud. Show this story to anyone who needs a little inspiration to stick to their values, no matter what anyone says.