Check Out These Eight Signs That Mean Your Body Needs Attention

Jun 01, 2018

Our bodies are truly amazing. So many things are going on in our bodies at once! While most of the time everything is working as it should, there are other times that they aren’t. Our bodies often give us various signs that something is going wrong. Sometimes they are easy to ignore but in reality, you shouldn’t. Ignoring these signs could lead to health issues in the future. 

Let’s take a look at some of the signs and symptoms you should always be on the lookout for! 


#1 Insomnia, Irritability, and Leg Cramps 

If you have any of these symptoms, it is a sure sign that you are in need of potassium and magnesium. Luckily, replenishing your body of these two is easy! Add the following to your everyday diet: oranges, bananas, tomatoes, and spinach.

#2 Sweet Tooth 

We all love sweets at one point or another! But if you frequently fight the strong urge to indulge in sticky, sweet desserts, you could be depressed, exhausted, or stressed. Because of this, your body wants glucose. It’s OK to oblige your body once in a while, but indulge in honey or dark chocolate to avoid any weight gain. 


#3 Greek Foot

If the second toe on either foot is longer than the others, this is known as a Greek foot. Having this issue can mean calluses or discomfort on the ball of your foot, near the base of this particular toe. Since this also makes certain footwear uncomfortable, you will have to take your time buying certain styles of shoes to ensure they fit right. 


#4 Fragile Hair and Nails 

If your hair and/or nails are brittle, you need more vitamin B. You can get this in milk, nori seaweed, and mushrooms, or you could take a supplement to get the daily amount that you need.


#5 Dry Skin

Your body may be lacking in vitamin E if your skin is dry. Make sure to eat more fish, oil, nuts, and vegetables. Again, you can also take a supplement to ensure you are getting the right amount. 


#6 Desire to Chew Ice 

The urge to eat ice means that you are probably anemic. This is an iron deficiency many people suffer from. To avoid this, choose foods that are high in iron, such as eggs, beef, and molluscs (such as octopus and squid.) If you are still lacking energy, please talk to your doctor. 


#7 Bleeding Gums 

Do your gums or teeth bleed when you brush them? This is a sure sign of a vitamin C deficiency. This is an easy fix when you change your diet! Add some of the following to your daily meals: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, spinach, and citrus fruits. 


#8 A Ring Around the Iris 

It is normal for men and women to develop this ring after they turn 50. If it appears in someone younger, it usually means they have high cholesterol. You will need to talk to your doctor about safe ways of bringing your cholesterol down. 

If you are dealing with one or more of these issues, your body is trying to tell you to take care of it! Listen to what it is saying - after all, you only get one body! 


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Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!