Caring Man Takes Shirt Off His Own Back And Gives It To Shivering Stray Dog

Oct 04, 2022

Who are you when the world isn't looking? Often times people don't offer to help strangers or abandoned animals due to to their own selfishness. Anne Frank once said, “No one has ever become poor by giving.” For one set of brothers, they didn't know giving the literal shirt off their back would go on to change and inspire how others see the act of kindness and helping someone or something in need. 

Fernando and Felipe Gabriel are brothers who were purchasing tickets to ride on the subway in São Paulo, Brazil. It was one of the coldest days of the year. While at the ticket counter, Felipe saw a stray dog shivering from the cold weather. He took off the shirt he was wearing and put it around the stray dog. His brother, Fernando, first found the gesture to be amusing before realizing how heroic the act truly was. After taking the time to tend to the animal in need, the brothers couldn't help but have the innocent dog on their hearts and minds. They tried to return to take the dog home, but the dog had left the train station where they first met it. Felipe was busy traveling but still took the time out to show kindness to a stray animal. 

This act of kindness may seem like a small gesture to the strangers watching; however, the act goes far beyond a viral-worthy moment. The puppy was hanging around the subway, lonely and cold. It made the puppy feel special to know that someone cared.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Two brothers, Fernando and Felipe Gabriel, were at the train station in São Paulo, Brazil. Felipe was standing at the window to purchase tickets when something caught his attention and his eye. He noticed a dog that seemed to be in a less-than-ideal state. Felipe told The Dodo that the dog was trembling from cold. At the time, the temperature had dropped to an extreme low for the winter season.

As Fernando looked on, his brother started to take off his jacket. Fernando started to film when he noticed Felipe taking off his backpack. Felipe took off his jacket and sweatshirt. He removed his shirt and put it around the freezing puppy. This act of kindness was moving and very spontaneous. 

Fernando was not expecting his video of what transpired to get much attention. However, it has gone viral. "I rarely post anything, but it deserves to be shared," wrote Fernando. The shirt that Felipe gave the dog was one of his favorites. Felipe thought the shirt looked better on the dog than on himself.

On the return trip, the brothers passed through the subway station. They looked for the dog because the brothers wanted to take the dog home. However, the puppy was not there. The brothers were content because the puppy was now warmer because of the love shown and the shirt. 

Felipe was disappointed about not being able to do more for the puppy. He hopes people will take inspiration from the story and help others. It is impossible to change the world; however, you can change the things within reach.

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