Canadian Hockey Fans Sing American National Anthem After The Loudspeaker System Breaks

May 08, 2020

It was a simple technical malfunction that led to an incredibly heartwarming moment at a Toronto Maple Leaf vs. Nashville Predator hockey game in 2014. When singer Michelle Madeira's mic cut out in the middle of The Star Spangled Banner, the Canadian Maple Leaf fans that filled the stadium stepped in to help finish the song.

It is already a terrifying moment to get up and sing the anthem in front of thousands of people. Before stepping up to the mic there must be a million things that go through a singer's mind. For Michelle Madeira she probably didn't once think of the scenario that actually happened. Time reported on what happens next.

She successfully belted out the opening refrain of the U.S. national anthem but her mic started cutting out at "gave proof through the night..." but without missing a beat, the stadium full of Canadian fans picked right up and sang "...that our flag was still there."

The stadium erupted into singing and the whole anthem was completed before a rousing applause.

It was such a moment of pure joy that even across sports rivals' lines, the spirit of the game moved everyone to join in song. The stereotype of the nice Canadian is reinforced ten-fold in the stadium that day!

The American fans weren't going to forget the beautiful gesture, and at the next game of the season were the Predators and Leafs went head to head, they belted out "O Canada," according to Sportsnet.

It's a beautiful story about our neighbors to the north and it should be sent far and wide to those who need a smile today. Send on the article and tell us what you think below.