Biker Vigilante 'Returns' Litter He Sees Drivers Throwing Out Window

Sep 21, 2018

Throwing your trash on the ground does not make you a good person. In fact, it makes you a litterbug who doesn’t appreciate clean streets and pretty landscapes.

It’s not that hard to throw away your trash properly. Carry a small garbage bag in your car to throw trash in, or wait until you can get to a garbage can to get rid of your mess. Throwing it out in the open pollutes our land and oceans. It only takes a little effort to not be a litterbug.

One man has had enough of litterbugs and decided to take matters into his own hands. A viral video is making the rounds of a biker giving litter back to a driver. The driver had thrown a McDonald’s cup from their window onto the road in front of the biker, who proceeds to pick it up and catch up to the van.

The event happened in Moscow, Russia. The video quickly went viral.

Littering is a serious issue around the world. It is detrimental to our environment and makes the streets look terrible. You would think it would be easy to just throw away your garbage properly, but for some people, it just doesn’t seem to matter.

Statistics say that 62% of England residents throw their litter on the street. Cigarette butts cover about 99% of the streets in the towns. While there are laws in place to try to stop litterbugs from polluting their own city, they don’t always work.

A fine of £2,500 can be given to anyone who throws, drops, leaves or deposits litter anywhere in a public place, according to section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act of 1990. Those who are fined may also be called to appear in a magistrate’s court.

In 2005, some of the sections were updated in the Clean Neighborhoods and Environment Act to address problems such as graffiti and dog droppings. The update also aimed to force business and private landowners to recognize their role in keeping up the appearance of the area.

We hope this video taught the occupants of this van not to litter! If you agree with what this biker did, leave us a comment. Be sure to pass this video on!