Bee Whisperer Removes Bricks From Client's Home And Is Shocked By View Of Giant Hive

Oct 09, 2018

You have heard about dog whisperers and horse whisperers. It turns out there is a bee whisperer as well. David Glover is known as the Bartlett Bee Whisperer. He travels throughout eastern Arkansas, northern Mississippi and western Tennessee to rescue bees from businesses and homes.

A Professional Honey Bee Rescuer Saves Lives

David shows up at locations where honey bees have built an unwanted hive. After he rescues the bees, he takes them to local beekeepers who have lost hives. Bees are an important part of the growth cycle of plants. Without bees, many plants would not get pollinated. By saving the bees, David is making sure that crops can grow so that we can continue to enjoy our favorite foods. 

Normally, people have two basic options when they find a swarm in their house. Most people call a pest control business to kill the bees. A healthier, better option is to call a beekeeper. A beekeeper can safely remove the hive without killing it. Sometimes, David gets calls about hives in extremely unusual places. Most of the time, homeowners are concerned when hives are placed too high above the ground. In very unusual instances, David has discovered hives behind solid, brick walls. When bees build a hive behind a brick wall, it makes removing them a challenge. Taking away the bricks can chip mortar and damage the combs.

One Amazing Bee Recovery Mission

The Bartlett Bee Whisperer recently finished one amazing rescue mission for a beehive. As you can see in the images, he had to take down bricks that were a part of the wall. You can see how the wall looked after the bricks were removed. The entire process took a painstakingly long amount of time. Each brick had to be delicately removed to prevent the bees from being harmed. Thankfully, David was able to do the job.

Before the homeowners called David to the scene, they had tried calling a pest control company first. The company tried to kill the bees and failed to remove the hive at all. Luckily, David managed to get rid of the bees without killing them or damaging their hive. The bees managed to make the hive by sneaking through a weep hole between the various bricks. There was also a gap between the corner of the window and the bricks. This allowed the bees to get inside the wall, but it kept predators and the pest control company out.

To help the bees get out, David started by smoking the entrances. Then, he sprayed Honey Bandit in a small hole. These techniques kept the bees from fleeing up the wall when he used the hammer drill. It turns out that the combs were not overly connected to the bricks, so David was able to pry the combs off of the wall without breaking them. It was the largest individual pieces of a comb that he had ever seen.

In total, there were seven narrow combs and two large combs. There were also 13 capped queen cells in the hive. A slice of brood comb held seven of the queen cells, and the front comb held the other five.

Unfortunately, the bee rescue was not entirely good news. David found dead bees on the left side of the hive. He assumes that this is the location where the pest control company tried to kill the bees. The pesticide could only kill some of the bees because the wax stopped the spray from going any farther. The combs in the middle were the hardest to remove because so many tunnels connected them.

While David removed this section, a cluster of honeybees buzzed and sang a song next to his ear. Thankfully, the entire hive was safely removed and relocated to a safe, protected home somewhere else.

If you were amazed by David's amazing job rescuing these bees, make sure to tell your friends about it. Also, make sure to let everyone know to call a beekeeper instead of a pest control company when they have a troublesome hive.