Be With Someone Who Makes It Obvious That They Need You In Their Life
Oct 16, 2018
Humans often have a habit of just giving up. When we are dealing with an abusive or sad situation, we give in and continue the relationship. We don’t fight for the happiness we deserve; instead, we give up and accept the sadness. We end up with low self-esteem that stems from all the times we have tried and failed.
Many people stop trying because the people who supposedly love them have made them believe that they don’t deserve happiness. They have put it into our heads that we don’t deserve anything more than what they can give us. They are a hindrance to our future goals and actions.
If you are being given something less than what you deserve, especially love, and you are being told it is okay- it isn’t. If the person you love isn’t giving you the love you need and want right back, but are telling you that what they are doing doesn’t mean anything, don’t listen.
You can never have “too much” love.
Love is something that you should be able to count on. No one should say that they give you enough love when you feel as if they aren’t. Love is one of the strongest emotions we have, yet is the most fragile one of them all. We need as much love as we can get in this world.
Everyone deserves love- this includes YOU. We have to let go of the thought that we have to settle for whatever love we can get. This doesn’t mean being greedy and clingy. Love shouldn’t be that way. No one should ever have to beg another person to love them.
However, it is okay to fight for love. Don’t ever stop looking for what you deserve in life. You deserve love just as much as anyone else in this world. You deserve to be with someone who does everything they can to show that you mean the world to them. You should have no doubts that you are wanted.
Expression of love is one of the most important things in a relationship. Whether it is through words or actions, we all need to know that we are loved. Your significant other should readily show you that they want you to be with them for always.
You deserve to feel special and important to someone else. We are all born into a world that revolves around love. We shouldn’t have to worry that the person we are with isn’t really in love with us. They should go out of their way to make it known on a regular basis.
The person who wishes to stay in your life is going to want to make that clear to you. You need to keep an open mind and heart to see if they are the one. Sure, they may toss those three little words around or buy you expensive presents, but do they really mean it?
If you are honestly unsure if they do, you need to take a step back and reconsider the relationship. Your lover should treat you like the piece of precious art that you are.
Life is an amazing gift and you are, too. Your lover should always remind you of that, through words and actions. You should receive the smiles, kisses, and hugs that you wish for, as much as possible. Don’t ever let yourself settle for less than you deserve.
Do you have anything to add to this sweet sentiment? Let us know in the comments below and pass this along to family and friends!