Batch Of Maine Coon Kittens Have Adorably Grumpy Faces

Sep 01, 2020

Who doesn't love a cute cat picture? Cats have been the focal point of our camera lens for years, even before social media came to be. Kittens are especially super cute. They are tiny, furry, and adorable. Their little purrs are just magical to hear. They always take really cute pictures no matter what. This can be demonstrated with this litter of kittens from Russia who all have grumpy-looking faces that make them seem even more adorable.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

However, you may be shocked to see a few pictures and a video of kittens that look just like werewolves. These particular kittens are unique to begin with. If you have ever seen a Maine Coon cat, then you already know how special they can be.

They are a sight to see after they reach adult age and size. Tatiana Rastorgueva is a Russian native who has Maine Coon kittens in her home, reports SmallJoys. Not only are they amazing to look at, but her kittens are said to exhibit some human-like behavior.

Get ready to gasp when you see the video for yourself–it is truly amazing! Tatiana works with many different breeds. She observes them so that she can learn as much as possible about them. She also shares as many pictures as she can on her social media pages. She loves passing knowledge on to others.

Up until this very post, Tatiana had about 60,000 followers on Instagram. That is because she posted some amazing pictures–Maine Coon kittens who look like werewolves and act a lot like people!

Tatiana runs her own cat sanctuary known as Catsvill County. She stated that many cats have a lot of qualities of their parents. She also said that cats will imitate their parents often. We can see why–who else would teach them to groom themselves?

She also noted that this particular batch of kittens looks a lot like werewolves. She has been working hard for years with this exact breed in order to learn more. When she does, she posts her findings on social media for all of the world to see.

What did you think of these amazing kittens? Would you own one if you could? Drop us a comment below. Be sure to pass this on when you are done!

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