Baby’s Fancy Footwork Brings The Roof Down With Epic Riverdance

Jul 26, 2020

With some pretty creative footwork, Will 'Riverdance' Brown shows us why he is the reigning baby prince of the spectacular Riverdance craze in a video posted by his aunt in 2014. The highly popular dance has made headlines on TikTok recently for its ability to cross-generational and cultural lines.

Baby Riverdance used his Jolly Jumper to show his fans how his generation can participate. And he has since been welcomed into the hearts of fans everywhere.

Baby Riverdance has been in his bouncer before, and as you can see, is blissful hopping up and down. But, this time, the Riverdance dance team was performing, and the little dancer decided to join in — from his Jolly Jumper, of course. His aunt put him in the bouncer to keep him busy while she attended to something else. And, what do you know?

A star was born

At first, it appears that Irish music was dubbed over the video of the happy, bouncing baby. As it turns out, the little dancer is engaged in the television and copying what he sees in front of him. He sees the Riverdance team doing fancy footwork, and just joins right in.

He is not just pushing himself up and down with both feet. His feet are taking turns on the floor signifying that he is dancing and tapping. It appears that he is paying careful attention to detail, capturing alternating foot patterns.

At the end of the video, he looks at his aunt as if to ask for her opinion on his performance. His visage changed to a happy smiling face as if to answer his own question. "Yeah, I did a good job," that big smile seems to convey.

His talent and his cuteness are just too visible to be ignored. Fans' reaction to Baby Riverdance and his performance is summed up to the tune of more than 28,000 views on YouTube as of this writing.

One fan exclaims,

"This is amazing, I haven’t laughed this hard in forever! Omg, I will just come here next time I’m feeling blue!"

Thankfully, his aunt had the foresight to record this and share it with the world. His act gives people a reason to smile at this time in history when there is a lot of challenging things going on.

So, if you're feeling blue, there is a little cuteness overload out there that you can click, watch, smile, and repeat as often as you need to. If you know of someone whose day needs a little pick-me-up, you know what to do.