Baby Who Received A Hurftful Comment For Being Born With Cleft Palate Receives New Transformation

Oct 31, 2019

There is much cause for excitement when expecting a new addition to the family. Unfortunately, there is sometimes cause for worry. It is important to remain optimistic when expecting a baby. However, you should be prepared to handle unwanted news if necessary.

One young couple awaiting the birth of a child found out at the 24-week mark of the pregnancy that something was not quite right with their unborn son. The unborn baby would enter the world with a bilateral cleft lip. This deformity was also likely to cause other health issues, according to Huff Post

The young couple wanted their baby. They were unfazed by thoughts that Brody would look different. They were also committed to providing him with the medical help he would need. The couple is also interested in positively affecting the way others view children born with disabilities.

The bottom line was the couple already loved Brody and could see no option other than to keep and care for him. Sara is Brody's mother and advocates for children who are born differently. 

She told Today, “It is OK to be proud of your baby no matter the circumstances. We wanted to change what ultrasound/newborn/first year pictures on our Facebook/Instagram accounts looked like. We wanted to spread awareness of cleft lips and palates."

A cleft lip or palate forms when affected tissue does not properly fuse. Babies affected by the disorder might find it more difficult to smile, drink, eat, and sometimes breathe. When surgery is not provided to correct the issue, it is unlikely the baby will talk or live a normal life. Most parents decide early in the process to have this surgery.

Sara and her husband Chris were as proud as any parents when Brody was born. They often shared photos of Brody online. The couple received much encouragement from visitors to their social media accounts.

However, one negative comment felt like "a stab to the heart" as Sara described it to Huff Post. The comment read: "What’s wrong with your baby’s nose? I’ve never seen anything like that. It doesn’t look good."

Sara was upset over the comment saying to Huff Post, "Why is someone judging what a baby looks like? They don’t know his story. They didn’t know my story.” 

But the mom tried to enjoy her night as she was out eating dinner with Brody and some friends when she read what the user had commented. Incredibly, only a short while later the waiter came over and gave Sara a piece of paper with $1,000 rolled up inside. The note read: “For the beautiful baby.” Sara told the publication that she immediately started crying. 

Sara and her husband used the money to help cover some of Brody's medical costs. “The timing, it was amazing,” Sara said to Huff Post. “Everything happens for a reason.” Brody has now had surgeries and looks to a future as a healthy and happy little boy. 


Do you know a family that has been affected by the birth defect of a child? Send this story to your circle of friends. The triumph of Brody and his parents is sure to brighten their day.