Avoid These 6 Habits In The Shower If You Want Beautiful, Luscious Hair

Jul 12, 2018

It's so easy to just take a shower without thinking too much about your hair. After all, there are tons and tons of products out there that seem to provide an instant fix. However, there are six habits you might have that are actually doing more harm than good.

1. You Shower Too Much


This might seem counter-intuitive. Showering is supposed to be good for you! However, if you wash your hair too often, this strips away your hair's essential oils. Reach for a dry shampoo instead. That will help control oil better.


2. You Don't Use The Right Products For Your Hair


Everyone's hair is different, so you can't just grab a shampoo and conditioner set and expect it to be one size fits all. This is especially important if you have dry, brittle, or color-treated hair. Pick a product that says something like "color-preserving" or one with amino acids that contribute to fuller hair.

3. You Use Water That's Too Hot


 showers may feel awesome, but they're also very damaging! It opens up the hair follicles which may cause it to fall out. If you're not ready to give up a hot shower, start using a hydrating mask to preserve your hair.

4. You Don't Get Rid Of Product Completely


Product buildup really dulls your hair and weighs it down. It can also cause flaking. The solution? A scalp massage brush. This won't just brush out product, it also gives you a wonderful massage to encourage blood circulation.

5. You Use Too Many Products


If you're not satisfied with a product, you might keep using it with the belief that more is better - you just haven't seen results yet. Slow it down! Keep it simple with a one-and-done conditioning cream. Look for one that's specifically designed to both strengthen and clean your hair. This reduces the impact of heavy product use.

6. You Brush Your Hair In The Shower


Michael Boychuck, a celebrity hair colorist, explains that hair is at its weakest in the shower. Brushing it out at that point will tear your hair. The fix is easy, though. Towel-dry your hair first to remove excess moisture. Then find a brush that is specifically designed to handle wet hair. The best ones have microfiber bristles that are also antimicrobial. These brushes will absorb water and slide through your hair with ease.

Do you have any of these habits? Change it up for amazing results! Show this to your friends to help them get beautiful hair, too!