Avoid These 20 Etiquette Mistakes If You Want To Become A Real Lady

Aug 24, 2018

Etiquette — especially for ladies — comes in and out of fashion fast. In order to help you keep them straight, we’ve identified 20 mistakes a real lady should never make.

Wear Low-Quality Fakes

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You don’t have to spend a gross amount on the trendiest accessory. But what you should never do is try to look the part with low-quality knockoff.


Overlook Fashion

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A lady knows not only what’s in but what suits her personal style. Every article and accessory should be a purposeful and tasteful choice.



Good posture is among the core tenets of etiquette. Even a minor slouch will undermine everything else you’re doing right, so be aware of it at all times.

Overlooks Personal Upkeep

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Real ladies take care of themselves. They eat right. They are active and exercise regularly, and ladies focus on skin, hair and nail care as the foundation of a beautiful look.

Overdo Their Makeup

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Your skin should look amazing without makeup. Cosmetics are there to accentuate your best features. You never want to be in a position where others are wondering what you’re hiding.

Be Overly Fussy


Don’t mistake being a lady for being a prima donna. Being a lady is about exuding class and grace in all situations, and you never want to fidget in any way.

Finish Soup or Cereal

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If it’s served to you in a bowl, then you should always expect to leave some behind. If you can’t get the last spoonful with your spoon, then you shouldn’t eat it.

Be Rude or Gossip


Gossip is what regular girls do. Rudeness is what self-centered people do. Ladies are neither of those things.

Talk and Laugh in a Loud Manner


Etiquette requires you to respect the space of others. Maintain your conversations within your personal space, and never let your voice or laughter encroach the personal space of others.


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A lady has her own opinion, an opinion in which she’s confident. She presents her case, listens and then moves on to the next topic of conversation.

Eat on the Go

Eating on the go may seem like a fact of modern life, but it’s unbecoming of a lady. If you can’t sit at a table and use cutlery, then you should wait until you have the time so that you can.

Be Too Open

Honesty is a virtue, but it doesn’t mean you should bare your soul. Reserve your secrets for the people who are closest to you.

Wear White Heels in the Wrong Situation

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There are only two scenarios in which a lady should wear white heels: at a wedding and accompanying a white summer dress. Otherwise, choose black, beige or two-tone.

Arrive Late


Whenever you set an appointment for business or personal purposes, it’s never acceptable to be more than 15 minutes late. Plan ahead. A lady wouldn’t wait more than 15 minutes either.

Leave an Umbrella Open


The only time an umbrella should be open is when it’s protecting you from the rain. Close it before entering a structure, and hang it to dry if it’s overly wet.

Respond to Sneezes with Bless You


This a common faux pas. Bless you should only be used with family and close friends.

Not Wear Pantyhose

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The etiquette rules for modern business call for all women to wear pantyhose to work and all formal locations no matter how hot it is outside. If it’s just too hot, consider wearing thigh-highs or pants instead of a skirt.

Refuse Food or Drink


A lady never refuses food or drink from a host. It’s acceptable not to eat and to just take a sip of the drink.

Dance with Her Hair Down

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Dancing with your hair down is to invade other people’s personal space, which is something that a real lady would never do.

Blow on Food to Cool It


A lady will wait for her food to cool. If others have started eating, she can stir it with a spoon but would never blow on it.

Do you disagree or agree with any of these common mistakes, or feel that we’ve let anything out? Let the community hear about it and tell us in the comments!