Avoid Doing These 6 Things If You Wake Up In The Middle Of The Night
Apr 19, 2018
You might not realize it since sleep is such a fundamental part of life, but it doesn't come naturally to everyone. Millions of people across the United States have trouble sleeping every night, and many of them have absolutely no idea why it happens. There are a number of explanations for insomnia, ranging from the environment to health. The best thing to do is avoid exacerbating the situation so that it eventually subsides.
Below are some of the avoidable ways that insomnia can compound itself.
Avoid Sitting Up
If you realize you're suddenly awake in the middle of the night, but you haven't moved a muscle yet, try to remain as still as possible. Your body is naturally inclined to fall back asleep if you don't move, but if you can't resist the urge to sit up in bed, you'll probably have a very difficult time regaining sleep once you lie down.
The reason for this is that your heart rate will inevitably increase when you sit up, so your body has further to go to regain full relaxation.
Don't Look At Your Phone
If you're reading about sleep issues, you might have already read about how device screens aren't conducive to a good sleep cycle. These screens emit a type of light that your brain interprets as daylight, which tricks your brain into thinking you should be awake.
The use of a mobile device also engages your conscious perception in a direct way, which can make it difficult to quiet your mind and return to sleep.
Don't Look At The Clock
Anything that has a light on it will mess with your Circadian rhythm, and clocks are one of the biggest culprits. The light itself messes with your rhythm, but there's another deeper reason to avoid the clock at night as well.
When you wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, it isn't good for your consciousness to be aware of the time. It can create a focal point around which you start trying to figure out how much time you have left to sleep and other factors.
Avoid Waking Your Partner
One might hope this is fairly obvious, but don't drag your significant other into your sleepless situation just because you feel misery might love company. All that will do is delay the possibility of falling back to sleep while also most likely creating an argument, or at least an unhappy partner.
The only time it might be alright to wake your partner is if the reason you can't sleep is that they're making too much noise through snoring or other breathing difficulties. This might require a doctor's visit to correct.
Don't Fidget In Bed
When you're suddenly awake in the middle of the night, it's best to avoid all motion. You certainly don't want to sit up, but tossing and turning isn't much better. Such motion will still awaken your relaxed muscles, which makes it difficult to fall back asleep.
It might be tempting to start fidgeting around if you feel any tingling sensations in your body, but those are actually a way for your body to test your alertness. If you scratch at them, it keeps you awake, but if you ignore them, you'll fall back asleep faster.
Go To The Restroom
You might awaken with an urge to pee, but that should be ignored. You might assume that relieving the urge will help you sleep faster or better, but that's not true. Only those with a legitimate medical need should get up to use the restroom at night. Otherwise, holding it will let you slip back to sleep faster.
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