Any Man Can Be A Father, But It Takes A Special Man To Be A Dad

Dec 25, 2018

Any man can take part in the biological act of making a baby. He can also express with his mouth the pride of being a father. However, not every man is capable of the work necessary to shape a young life.

Your name on a birth certificate does not earn you the title of dad. Nor can you earn this title simply by being able to pay the bills in your home. The ability to pass your genes down to a second generation means that you have fathered a child but does not earn you the right to be called dad.

A dad is there for every occasion. A dad can be counted on when things are the toughest. He will never give up on himself. More importantly, he will never abandon his family in their time of need. He does not say goodbye to his young children only to tell them later he did the best he could. A dad knows his most important role is the model he is for the life of his children.

A dad shows a consistent effort at caring for his family even when taken out of his comfort zone. He shows total commitment to working for his family even when he does not know where to find the energy.

He knows that it is his example that will teach his children how a man is supposed to treat his woman and care for his family. He is the example to them on how adulthood should look. He is their model for relationships.

A dad will show his children with action what it means to respect themselves and other people. He does not show up drunk in the middle of the day. He does not drink. And he will never demonstrate dysfunctional behavior toward his children and family.

A dad places the interests of his children before his own in every situation. He does not only brag to his co-workers about the love he has for his children or proclaims to others they are the best thing that ever happened to him. He demonstrates these facts every day with his actions.

A dad is there for his children day in and day out. He knows which bands they like to listen to. He knows which are their favorite subjects at school and which classes they hate to attend. He also knows their work schedule and how they plan to spend their summer.

A dad realizes his duties do not end when his children grow to a certain age. They are still his children once reaching adult age, making their own money, and leaving the home. They will always be his children.

A dad will never slack on his job of being a role model for his children. Their happiness will always be the most important thing to him.

A man that has fathered a child will tell you he deserves their ultimate respect because he is responsible for them being in the world. He will also express pride at assuring they had a roof over their heads and their material needs were taking care of by him. But a dad works full-time each day to earn the love of his children. He does this without wavering because they mean everything to him and there is nothing else he would rather be doing.

Your Thoughts

Do you know a man who lives up to the responsibilities of a dad? Have you told him recently how you felt? Send this article to friends. It will remind them to never forget to show appreciation for the man they call dad.