Albino Owl Has Been Discovered — He Has Magnificent Snow-White Feathers And Red Eyes
Aug 11, 2020
Owls usually have dark feathers to remain unseen amidst their surroundings at night. But this albino owl, featured in a YouTube video from 2015, is covered in white feathers instead and has mesmerizing red eyes.

This beautiful albino owl was born with little or even no melanin, which is the chemical that provides color not just to owls but all our skin, eyes, and hair regardless of our species, according to National Geographic.
Despite the fact that this owl is completely colorless, he is absolutely stunning and heralded as the most beautiful creature on the internet.
Not only is this owl’s entire body covered in snow-white feathers, but his beak is also white. His eyes are see-through, giving us a complete view of the red blood vessels that flow through them.
Even though this owl looks like he could simply be a doll that someone has set up to trick people, video footage is proving that he is completely real and very much alive!
Watch the video of this albino owl for yourself and see the awe of this fluke of nature. While albino creatures may be unique, they certainly can be beautiful and we are so glad that they are a part of our world.
What do you think of this owl and his stunning white coloring? Tell us about your thoughts in the comment section below before inviting your friends to learn more about this fantastic creature.