Advice For My Son

Sep 15, 2017

There are a lot of things that I want my son (should I ever have one) to know. A lot of them are just practical or even silly advice. Don't fill up on bread before a big dinner. If someone offers you a breath mint, you probably need it, and it certainly won't hurt you. Pay attention to a girl's family before you think about marrying her, because you'll be dealing with them forever. That kind of thing.

But you know, a lot of practical or even silly advice has a deeper meaning. Jump into the swimming pool, don't climb—because if you act timidly, you miss out on a lot of the fun in life. Keep your friends' secrets, because if somebody trusted you with one then you should earn it by being trustworthy. Carrying a spare handkerchief for a girl you might meet, because a small act of kindness like that might show her that you are someone worth being interested in.

So I guess when you really get down to it, what I want to tell my future son is: be a man. That doesn't mean just acting tough, it means knowing when to be tough, for a good reason. Sit with the new kid at lunch, because you don't care if the other kids don't want to greet him. Stand up when you shake somebody's hands, because you're not afraid to put them on your level. Salute a veteran, because it can be an act of cowardice not to show someone that you are grateful. 

Just a few thoughts on the sort of thing that my son will need to know one day. Parenting is pretty scary, though, so I can only hope that I'm man enough to swallow my fears and teach him.


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