Adoptive Family Are Excited For Arrival Of New Baby Girl Before They Meet Her And Change Their Mind

Oct 23, 2017

Christina Fischer was 36-years old when she fell pregnant with a little girl. Unfortunately, Christina was homeless, broke and had no support what so ever. It was a difficult decision but for the good of her child, she decided to put her daughter up for adoption. An agency found a loving family that wanted to adopt a little girl and Christina started to hope that everything would work out. On the day of her little girl's birth, the new adoptive family was at the hospital waiting to welcome her into their family until the mom went into the room to meet her and left crying... they never heard from the family again! 

Christina's little girl, Abigail, was born with a condition called Treacher Collins syndrome which causes abnormal facial developments. Because of this, the adoptive family deemed her unworthy of their love! Can you believe it? Luckily, this heartbreaking story has a happy ending. Watch this video to see what happened next...

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