A Strawberry That Tastes Like A Pineapple Exists And It's Called The Pineberry

Aug 27, 2019

A pineberry is not an unripe strawberry that hasn't gotten all of its color yet, although it might look like it. It is actually a fully grown white strawberry with red seeds—the inverse of a normal grocery store strawberry—and has the added bonus of tasting like pineapples.


The pineberry was first introduced into the market in 2010 by the British grocery chain Waitrose according to The Guardian. When the unusual-looking fruit first hit the grocery stands, shoppers thought they were an April Fool's joke. Strawberryplants.org attests that to previous April Fool's ads from Waitrose for fake fruit like the "pinana."



However, the website insists pineberries are real and were created by a Dutch strawberry breeder who first created them by finding source material in France and cross-breeding multiple types of white strawberries together.

istockphotos.com/Cristian Storto Fotografia

If you want to grow your own pineberries, Strawberryplants.org recommends having a pollinator strawberry close at hand. They say having one for every four plants is a good ratio. Plus, you should start off with a strawberry plant rather than seeds because then you will have a "typical pineberry experience."

Watch a fruit lover try a pineberry in the video below:

What do you think about these pineapple/strawberry hybrids? Are they just another fad or would you be a fan if you tried them? Let us know in the comments below and make sure to pass this article along to others.