A Little Kindness Everyday Can Go A Long Way - Real Life Heroes
Sep 11, 2018
Do you remember the last time someone was kind to you? Now, try to think of a time when you showed kindness to someone else. Remember how they reacted and in turn how you reacted. Remember how you felt. If you don’t read anymore than this, know that kindness has an effect on both the giver and the receiver. It leaves a long lasting impression on both people.
Today, being kind and compassionate to others isn’t always at the forefront of people’s minds. Self-interest and selfies tend to become more important to some people. Everyone wants to be the next new discovery and become famous. They think having wealth and fame will bring them all of their happiness. However, when they obtain the success they desire, they wish they had their old life back. They failed to previously see the downside to being rich and famous.
Being kind to others brings you much more happiness than all of the money and fame in the world. The world we live in doesn’t need more people to be famous and have money. The world needs people who are willing to help others. The world needs people who are willing to make the world a kinder and more humane place to live in. We need to change the way we define success throughout our lives.
Kindness is important for the type of world we live in today.
In fact, kindness is something we learn from birth. As newborns, we are immersed in kindness from our parents. Humans are the only mammals who rely on our parents for kindness and nurturing for a prolonged amount of time. Most mammals become self-reliant just a brief time after birth. Humans fully depend on our parents and caregivers to take care of us and protect us. Because of this, kindness is literally built into our DNA. We are meant to be kind to each other.
When talking about how to make the world a better place, it seems everyone has their own opinions on the best actions to take. However, they don’t realize they could start to make the world a better place on their own. Obtaining world peace doesn’t happen by overthrowing dictators or ending a war. World peace begins when people start to be kind to one another. It can start by just changing the way we think about other people around us. Thinking kind thoughts is a great place to start.
Being kind isn’t expensive. In fact, its free! It doesn’t cost you a thing to say something nice to another human being. Kindness doesn’t require you to work hard. It simples requires you to judge others less and empathize more. Being kind means putting your ego aside and accepting you are not right all of the time. Learn to bite your tongue and listen when needed. To be kind means to not fight someone with the same force they are giving you. This is not the way towards peace.
Does this mean you are supposed to just sit and take it? Of course not. Don’t start letting people walk all over you. But instead of letting someone get to you and make you angry, show them kindness. Maybe they need to be shown some kindness.
Either way, make sure you are the one who walks away a better person for the empathy and kindness you showed in that interaction. Learn from the experience.
What are the benefits of kindness?
Being kind is not only good for others, but it is also good for ourselves. When we are kind, it can actually improve our mental and physical health. When you are kind to other people, it improves your happiness and the health of your heart. Being kind improves your overall health by improving your relationship with others and your connections. It actually slows down the aging process in our bodies. Being kind makes you look and feel younger.
Many times, people accociate kindness with religion. For example, people believe being kind will help get themselves into heaven. Religion can dictate some people’s moral values and how they treat the people around them. However, this isn’t always the only reason people are kind. You don’t have to be religious or spiritual to show kindness to others. In fact, pets are commonly known to show acts of kindness such as a dog or a cat. They are both loved for their deep emotional connections with their owners.
Many people believe being kind is a sign of weakness. They think it is just being taken advantage of or putting themselves in a position of vulnerability. However, there is a line between being kind and being walked on. It is possible to be kind and be assertive. Don’t lose your self worth in order to be kind. Just be kind and maintain your integrity. Be kind wherever and whenever you can.
Some of the strongest and bravest people are the kind of people who bring kindness to those around them.
Still Be Kind
Unkind acts do tend to stick with us more than kind acts. We are more alert when we are confronted with fear than when we are confronted with kindness. On the news, we rarely see acts of kindness. We, more often than not, see crime and cruelty. On social media, people who are unkind tend to get more attention than those who are kind. Don’t use this as an excuse to avoid kindness. Just because they are not sitting in front of us does not mean we get to treat them harshly. There is still a person on the other side of that screen.
People tend to speak before thinking, especially on social media. Not everything comes off as you initially think it would. Think before you speak. If you ever question what you are about to say, picture yourself in their shoes. If someone said that to you, would you be upset? Would your feelings be hurt? Putting yourself in someone else’s position is a very easy way to be able to show kindness to others. Empathize with their feelings or their potential feelings before you speak words of hate. Take time to think about what you are about to say and speak words of kindness instead.
Check out this video about the "kindness boomerang" as well:
How can you create more kindness in the world around you today? What small act did you do or could you do to show kindness in the world? Let us know how you can show kindness on a daily basis. And pass this article on to your friends and loved ones to spread the idea.