A Hot Car And A Water Bottle Can Lead To Deadly Consequences

May 22, 2018

It's common knowledge that staying hydrated is good for your body, mind, and soul. Many people, especially in hot summer weather, try to have water on them at all times so they're prepared when thirst strikes. While this may seem great for your health, leaving a plastic water bottle in a hot car can have dangerous consequences.

When sunlight shines through your car window, it's already magnified by the glass. If it hits a transparent plastic water bottle, the water can cause it to become even more intense, like a magnifying glass focusing light to one burning-hot point.


In an unexpected turn of events, that burning-hot point can actually burst into flames, making it one of the few times where water is not useful for extinguishing a fire. If you're not there to put it out, you could lose your car and everything in it in addition to creating a public hazard.

If you're skeptical, check out the video below.


Battery technician Dioni Amuchastegui was taking a break in his car with his water bottle in tow. When he noticed smoke he looked around for the source and was astonished to see it rising from a point of light beneath his water bottle. Luckily he was there to prevent a full-on car fire, but his seat was damaged with burn marks.

Keep Dioni's story in mind this summer as you head out on road trips, hiking excursions, and routine errands. Be sure to take your bottle out of the car whenever you park it, and if it has to be left behind find somewhere shady to stow it.

Stay safe this summer, and don't forget to warn your friends about this shocking possibility so you can all enjoy a worry-free summer!