A Deer Showed Up At A Newborn's Photo Shoot And Turned It Into A Fairy Tale

Nov 06, 2018

As a child, you probably fell asleep to your parents reading books about magic lands and other mystical creatures. Sometimes, you’re too young to even understand what’s going on in the story, but as you grow older, the enchanted visions begin helping to spark your imagination.

You imagine things like talking animals, beautiful castles and scary monsters. You believe in these things, and you’re captivated by the idea of their existence.

You don’t realize that all of these things are just the work of fairy tales until you get older. However, you remain interested in the concepts that you once believed were real. You might pretend that you can fly, or you pretend to be a medieval soldier fighting a war for good.

Eventually, as you reach adulthood, you may find yourself not believing in these concepts anymore because you know they are make-believe. However, sometimes you may come across a moment in life that inspires you to believe once again.


One woman, Megan Rion, a photographer in Louisiana, knows a thing or two about the mystical world after one particular photo shoot she was working on.

Her studio is called Imagine That, and she enjoys taking pictures of women going through the maternity process, as well as photographs of their newborn babies and the family.

On a recent job, she was photographing a mother, Tiffany Gill Rogers, and her newborn son, named Connor. As full-time was approaching, Rion wanted to capture a shot that encapsulated the colors of the season.

She placed the baby onto a hay bale and set up the shot so some leaves and pumpkins were surrounding him. Once the image looked perfect, she admired it and started capturing the moment and the scenery. However, what happened next was absolutely amazing.

Almost as if someone had called her in, a doe stumbled into the frame out of curiosity. She walked over to baby Connor and created a majestic once-in-a-lifetime shot for the photographer to capture. The mother even began recording the scene because she could not believe her eyes!

The two women tried to not scare the deer off as they captured this beautiful moment that they surely won’t ever forget. Check out the video to see for yourself:

The images are now going viral on social media for being the perfect newborn baby photo shoot, all thanks to one curious doe that happened to cross their paths! What do you think about baby Connor’s infant pictures? Send this incredible story to your friends and family!