A Butterfly is A Spiritual Messenger. Find Out What They Mean To You
Sep 12, 2018
Not only are butterflies beautiful insects, but they can also bring you wisdom from beyond. When you next see a butterfly, you should pause so you can reflect on whatever message it might be bringing to you.
Butterflies are a breathtaking species of insect, with gorgeous colors and unbelievable patterns. For thousands of years, humans have found themselves fascinated by these creatures.
The unsurpassed strength of a butterfly is what brings them out of their dark cocoon, but as soon as they're vulnerable to the world, they open their wings for flight. Pretty wings aren't the only thing that makes them a messenger from the other side. They symbolize great wisdom that can only be achieved in the other world.
Spiritual Metaphor
Butterflies have a beautiful mix of strength and delicate construction. When a person sees the magical beauty, and then goes past that, they'll find that a butterfly's life cycle is subject to important spiritual truths. A butterfly begins its life cycle as simple potential. The insect transforms from a simple egg to a caterpillar to a cocoon and, finally, to a creature who can fly free.
For any of these stages to begin, another one must end. It's also necessary for the organism to use the knowledge gained from their previous experiences to become a truer version of themselves in the next phase. This transition is a reflection of the path that all human souls take.
Butterflies go through a metamorphosis that might symbolize the way we embrace spiritual transformation within ourselves. Humans start in the world as simple beings. Similarly to the caterpillar, we go through struggles to find the right path. In the beginning, everything is about survival. But then, we evolve into a form that has a larger connection to the universe and more prominent questions about existence.
If a person isn't able to find meaning in their external environment, they'll look for the answers within themselves. It's important to get in touch with your soul and spirit if you want to undergo any kind of spiritual transformation. Doing so can often be like wrapping yourself up in a cocoon, safe from the world.
Choosing to re-enter the world after your spiritual changes will help you project a self that's braver, better, and stronger. You can open your new wings to find heights you never even dreamed of. We learn wisdom within our cocoon that can help everyone we come into contact with.
Butterflies are stunning creatures, but they also have tragically short lifespans. A butterfly will live for an average of 2 or 3 weeks at maximum. There are some species that survive for up to 6 months, like the monarch butterfly. But even that isn't a great deal of time. This helps remind us how short and fleeting life truly is. The only thing we have is the eternal present. We should remember to keep our consciousness in the present and live our lives as fully as we can.
Butterflies also come with a message indicating that death is just one more phase in the life cycle. It's another type of transformation. A person should embrace the entire life cycle, including the transformation into death. You want to live in the present to make sure you don't wake up one day and discover your life has passed you by.
Spirit Animals
There are many indigenous and Native American cultures in which people learn life lessons from the animals and nature surrounding them. The animals that represent their spirit will have specific meanings and special characteristics.
Butterflies are a power animal that are considered to be teachers of change, creativity, freedom, and joy. Their transformation ability and life cycles symbolize the evolution and change that a person's soul goes through.
If you see a butterfly within your dreams, you might consider it to be a message given to you from a power animal. When this happens, you should take a moment or two to pause. Look around at your life and the world and ask whether it's time to bring changes.
Soul Messengers
Many people view butterflies as a type of spiritual messenger. A guardian spirit watching over you might lead you with a butterfly. If you encounter a butterfly in an unexpected place, it might be a sign from your guardian angel.
Even recently departed souls can use butterflies for communication. Many people say they've seen butterflies after a loved one has passed away.
The next time a butterfly makes itself known in your life, you should pay attention to this spiritual messenger. It's obviously a message that will help to feed and rejuvenate your soul. Embrace the changes that the butterfly symbolizes and heralds for you.
Have you ever had a butterfly signify change or comfort you after a loved one's passing?