A Bad Boss Can Make Their Employees Sick

Jun 13, 2018

No job is perfect. No matter how much you love or hate the work that you do at your job, you spend almost or more than half of your life at work, to make a sustainable living. And through this hard work, you will not always feel motivated or creative or even happy. But with the help of positive support and encouraging company, you can overcome resistance and perform. A lot of workers quit their jobs because of their bosses and because of the absence of respect and teamwork. After all, humans are more intimidating than any piece of work can ever be.

So many times, the managers would only point out the mistakes and flaws in their employees while completely ignoring all the good work they have done in the past. It is this kind of attitude that makes you feel worthless and leads to even less productivity. We are often so sucked in the process of proving ourselves to our bosses that we forget to be creative, innovative and think out of the box. Criticism and appreciation go hand in hand. Healthy feedback is the one that will help an employee work harder with a smile on his/her face because they want to get better.


"Focusing on strengths is the surest way to greater job satisfaction, team performance and organizational excellence." - Marcus Buckingham

Financial reimbursement is one of the essential aspects of a job, but it's not the only important one. In fact, a role that makes you happy, lets you think creatively and express your ideas freely; the one where you find your voice and the one where you have fun working with your colleagues, is still much better than a job that pays a lot but sucks your blood.

A manager can only earn respect from his or her team and not demand it or ask for it. A healthy professional relationship between an employee and the boss can only be built with the help of trust, mutual respect, and transparency. So, following are the things that an employee wants from his/her manager and the company:

Kindness - You have to remember that your employees are humans and not robots. They will need to be treated with kindness, compassion and basic human courtesy. You don't have to know their every personal detail, but you have to remember that they too have private lives.

Respect - You only get respect if you give it in return. Fear is not respect. Asking your employees to work late or on weekends is immoral and illegal. Respect their time, and never ask them to work while they are on vacation, not even as a friendly favor.

Creative and Analytical Freedom - You can train your employees, but you also have to give them space to breathe in and trust them to do their job. A boss's job is to provide a healthy work environment for his/her workers and provide support, and not patronize or micromanage them.  

Acknowledgment and Appreciation - Good work deserves recognition and rewards. Make sure you give proper credits for the work of your employees and appreciate them for their hard work and dedication.

Growth and Progress - As an employee, you not only want to contribute to the organization's success but also grow personally and professionally. A manager should be willing to promote or lift up an employee who has the potential to achieve more.

"Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself; you’ll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could have imagined." - Johnny Carson

Life is not meant to be stuck in a job because of a horrible boss. Work constitutes a significant part of our lives, and it must make us better, stronger and wiser; and not bitter, sadder or insecure. Good managers are like leaders who inspire people, lead by example and are proactive themselves.

A bad boss can make your life miserable. If you agree with this, then you must have a read and send this article to your friends who are currently struggling to confront their bosses!