90-Year-Old Man Cries Tears Of Joy Because His Wife Returns From Hospital

Aug 21, 2020

David and Loretta Bowen, both 90, were reunited at their home in Jesup, Georgia, on July 15th, 2020 after Loretta spent weeks in the hospital and their granddaughter Krista Kellum posted the adorable moment on Instagram. It showed their incredible bond and affection for one another after being separated amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Even though some of us feel fortunate to not getting sick with coronavirus, it is still extremely challenging to stay positive and cheerful. There is more than just the pandemic affecting the world right now as there's more going on in the world, including public turmoil.

Police brutality has cost innocent lives, there's deep chaos, and to add to that people are sick, the nation is hurting. Nevertheless, as challenging as this year has been, humanity has given its best and stands together when things get hard. It may not be everyone, but it's enough to bring change.


Faith is also a building block of miracles in these challenging times, and it is easier to see them all around you. Since the beginning, humanity has thrived in need, and you can see it if you look closely enough. This story of the 90-year-old couple is one that is inspiring in awkward moments.

Many of us have not been alive long enough to match up to 70 years of marriage between Loretta and David. They were both terrified when told that Loretta needed surgery. According to their granddaughter, Krista Kellum, doctors discovered a mass in her colon, and it should be removed without further delay. Being believers in the power of prayers,s they turned to their faith and blocked any demoralizing thoughts. Krista's documenting the next events was nothing but a miracle and posted to Facebook on July 16th.

"I know this is long, but it is incredible and needs sharing," she said, "the love my grandparents share, continue to make me cry." She explained the mass in her grandmother's colon was confirmed by two more scans, a dye test, and failure in colonoscopy due to what was obstructed by the form.

As the family started praying immediately, David seemed to be praying harder for his darling. Krista says that her grandfather spent hours in church daily in prayers. Then the unexpected happened on the day of the surgery.

"On the day of the surgery, they started with a laparoscopy," Krista says, adding, "but they didn't see anything! So, they decided to go into her colon and look, and the mass was gone" She was adding that Loretta had to stay in the hospital a bit longer to ensure that she was excellent.

The wait was the hardest for David, whose fear of not seeing his wife again drove him nuts. Krista apically filmed Loretta's return home."Hey girl," said David "Hey, baby! Your boss has come home." Was Loretta's response David started crying with happiness and, indeed, relief. The story got aired at ABC News segment.

This story is the motivation to keep going. Telling your stories can give others hope to fight and promise a better future amid tough times. Let us know if this motivated you and be sure to pass it on to others!

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