82-Year-Old Grandma Parties Hard With The Charleston

Aug 18, 2020

At the ripe age of 82 years, a grandma dances the Charleston in this video from 2012. The Charleston rose to fame back in 1923 thanks to the song "The Charleston" and became a popular dance and staple of the younger generation during the so-called Roaring Twenties at the start of the last century. Since it is a very active and hectic dance, this granny turned quite a few heads with her astounding performance.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

The majority of people are not comfortable discussing aging and age. Youth cannot last forever, but this doesn't mean the later years of your life need to be devoid of fun and activity. Even if, as the years go by, you start feeling a bit slower and more achy than you were during your younger days, older people can still enjoy their time and even party hard.

This older lady definitely proves age is not a hindrance. It is important to mention that the video was shot as an advert for a dietary supplement. However, despite this the older actress' moves are absolutely worth taking a look at!


During the early 20th century, young women and men were eager to be set free from social restraints, which included pressure to behave a certain way and conform to certain societal standards. The Charleston was picked up by the younger generation and used to express themselves.

The dance was sort of rebellious as the ladies would kick and strut all over without a care in the world, even when their active dancing made their skirts flip up and offer glimpes of their upper legs - or even underwear! These young ladies were known as the "Flappers", a name that derived from the wild "flapping" they would do on the dance floor.

Grandma seems to move her legs just as the women used to back in these days. At the carefree and young age of 82, she stands upright with a big smile from ear to ear, defying the misconception associated with people her age. Grandma does not need a club or bar as she is seen dancing in her kitchen, which works for her.

She gives us a look at how the 20s might have been. This was a time when women and men alike switched from conservative and strict ways, paving the way for new attitudes, clothes, and actions. Both genders smoked and drank, women cut their skirts and hair scandalizingly short, and dancing became freer.

Even for much younger dancers, the kicks she does are high. She looks terrific in her fancy looking necklace and black dress as she dances in the video. For two good minutes, she is just spinning and kicking and, at one point, even strikes a pose, showing how young at heart she truly is.

She goes right, left, back and forth while her arms swing following her movements. Grandma can still move it. Most of us can only pray to be that energetic and full of spirit at that age.

The video puts granny's moves even in more stark contrast thanks to the beginning, where she enters the kitchen with a walking stick and obviously faked frail moves. This is of course in order to advertise the supplement the video was originally shot for, but even so we viewers are reminded that many old people do need help getting around and may suffer from bodily ailments. This one granny, however, has kept herself active and healthy enough to pull of quite a few moves.

If you  ever thought about how your life could be like in your 80s, 70s or 60s, wonder no more and instead take this lady as an inspiration. Young at heart, despite her age, she is exactly what we should be like - even those of us whose bodies sadly didn't age as well. Make sure to inspire your friends and family with this incredible video!

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