8 Things Men Do When They're With Their True Love
Nov 16, 2018
Just because men don't always show their emotions doesn't mean that they are incapable of love. In fact, when a man loves a woman he will always think of ways to make her happy.
That is why some men can go out of their way to make their women happy.
Despite this fact being plain and simple, you'll always hear some women complain about their guys being jerks or insensitive just because they get angry sometimes. For those women that are not sure whether their man loves them, here are a few behaviors that prove otherwise.
1. Pays Close Attention to what you Say
If your man drops everything that he is doing just to listen to you when you speak, he really loves you. Men are always thinking about a lot of things and anytime someone speaks to them, they want the conversation to end quickly so that they can get back to what they were doing.
Therefore, when a man looks you in the eye every time that you speak and hangs on to every word that you say, you must be pretty special to him.
2. Making a Sacrifice
There are certain things that a man will never give up for anyone except those that he loves. If your man decides to stay home with you instead of going to watch the game with the boys or play poker, he loves you. Men will sacrifice what they love in exchange for their partner's joy because they'd rather see the person that they love being happy.
So the next time your man decides to step out of his comfort zone and go rock climbing with you even though he hates heights, appreciate him because he is doing that to see you smile.
3. Vulnerability
Yes, men do have fears despite acting all mighty and powerful. However, they never show those fears to anyone because of their ego. It takes a special soul to make a man feel comfortable showing his vulnerabilities. If you've ever seen your man being scared of something or acting susceptible, you should be grateful because he trusts and loves you.
When a man's in love, he won't be afraid to act vulnerable in front of his woman. In fact, that simple act shows that the man enjoys your company since it allows him to be himself around you.
4. You will Always Look Good to Him
Remember how you both used to look your best during your first few dates. You didn't want the other person to think any less of you so you spent time in the mirror trying to find your best outfit. However, after you get into a relationship with that person and get to know each other more, comfort builds up, and you don't put in as much effort to look good.
If that man loves you, he won't be bothered by the fact that you don't have make-up or you're dressed in your pajamas. He'll just love you for being yourself.
5. He is Proud of You
If your man has ever praised you for being a hard worker or a good mother if you have kids together, he loves you. Even if it might not seem like it, men are observant, especially to those that they love. He won't be afraid to say how proud he is of your efforts, and he will support you all the way.
6. He Protects You
If your man loves you, he won't hesitate to protect you from harm. A man will fight for his woman because her sadness or uneasiness also makes him feel hurt. If your man has ever acted menacingly or aggressively towards someone you don't like, he loves you. He might restrain himself, but if the danger seems imminent he won't hesitate to stand in the way and protect you from the attacker.
7. Arguments
Yes, you heard that right, when a man fights with you, he loves you. Men will take their time before investing their emotions in you. However, when they do, they want it to last just as much as you. Anytime he feels that something is a threat to the relationship, he won't be afraid to get into a fight with you over the issue.
8. Respect for Family and Friends
Anyone that matters to you will also be important to your man. If you see your man acting all humble and respectful around your friends, he is doing so because he loves you. Even if your man hates your nosy friend or relative, he will behave himself when you are around them.
If there are any behaviors that are not on this list, but you think they should be, let us know in the comments! Also, if you liked this article, don't be afraid to tell your friends about it.