8 Things Badass Women Don't Care About At All

Mar 08, 2018

Do you feel like a strong woman? There are several ways to detect whether you're truly a strong woman or not. We've listed 10 things that a strong, badass female has zero time for. Strong women don't have time for petty drama and timewasting. So read on to learn whether you're a badass female, and how to become one!

#1 Don't linger on what other people think about you

As a strong woman, you're living for yourself so why waste your time trying to please others? You're the judge of your own character so you don't need to waste your time worrying about someone else's opinion of you.


#2 Don't worry about being correct all the time

The only way we learn and become stronger is to make mistakes. So don't sweat it when mistakes happen, just be sure to learn from them and come out stronger than before. Even a badass female can't know everything!

#3 Who cares about body stereotypes?

So what if you're a bit curvier than the magazines say you should be? A strong woman doesn't pay that any mind. She is content regardless of her size or body shape. Be happy in your own skin!

#4 Is it THAT important to keep up with trends?

Does it make you a better person if you keep up with trends? No. Strong women know this already and don't feel pressured into being a certain way. You do you!

#5 Don't fear being single or alone

A strong woman never feels under pressure to be in a relationship or always be surrounded by people. She is content with her own company and recognizes when she needs some TLC and alone-time. That is not something to be taken lightly.

#6 Command the bedroom

An empowered woman knows what she wants, even in the bedroom. If you want things a certain way, don't hold back. You'll only be stopping yourself from having a good time if you do. 

#7 Don't worry about whether you fit in

Badass females know all too well that fitting in with a certain crowd is a surefire way to bring your mood down. Be content with who you are and find a crowd that accepts you for you. 

#8 Gossip doesn't interest you

Why would you care what is going on in other people's lives? Does it matter to a strong woman? No! She only cares about what she's doing and where she's going in life. Trivial things like gossip only hold her back.

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