8 Signs The Man By Your Side Is A True And Loyal Gentleman

Sep 25, 2018

Women tend to have a type. No matter what personality or body type you prefer, loyalty is an important factor in all long-term relationships. These 8 signs indicate that your man is truly faithful to you.

8 Signs Your Man Is Truly Loyal to You

How can you tell if you've gotten lucky enough to land a guy who's truly devoted to you? If your man meets these 8 criteria, he's a keeper.


If he doesn't, tell him to shape up or get a better man. All of these things are easy to do when you care about someone. You deserve a man who gives as much to your relationship as you do.

1. He makes emotional intimacy a priority.


We all know the gender stereotypes: Women want emotional relationships, and men want to have sex. These are ridiculous stereotypes to fall into. Many men want to be able to share their emotions with their partner, and many women have a large enough sexual appetite to rival the stereotypical man. It is true, though, that men are often socialized to be less emotionally vulnerable and to de-prioritize emotion. If your man cares about being emotionally intimate with you, that's a sign that he cares enough to break through social expectations and do you right in the relationship.

2. He expresses genuine interest and listens to you.


Women in relationships get the short end of the stick too often. How many times have you had a boyfriend come home and rant about his job without letting you get a word in edgewise... and then totally tune you out when you talk about what's on your mind? Men like this aren't worth your time. If your man is committed to you, he should care about what you're saying. He wants to offer feedback and support, and he wants to make an effort to understand you.

3. He tells his friends about you.


Your man should be proud to introduce you as his girlfriend. He should be happy to tell his friends about you. Your relationship shouldn't be a secret, and his friends should be familiar enough with you that they feel like your friends, too. A man who's embarrassed to call you his girlfriend is embarrassed to be in a relationship with you. Dump him and find someone who will treat you like the goddess you are.

4. He's honest with you.


He doesn't hide anything from you. When you ask him about where he's been or who he's been with, you can trust him to tell you the truth. He lets you know what's going on in his life, and he doesn't give you any reason not to trust him. This street does go two ways. You have to be honest with him, too. And you have to foster a dynamic where open communication is positive and constructive. If you react with irrational jealousy or mistrust when he tries to be honest with you, you're just giving him more reasons to keep secrets.

5. He's more interested in you than other women.


All men will tell you they don't find other women attractive. It's a lie. Your man shouldn't feel ashamed to notice other women, but he should handle that attraction appropriately. He shouldn't even think about acting on it. He should also go out of his way to make sure you feel special, loved, and secure. If you get anxious or jealous about your man being around other women, try bringing it up in a calm conversation. Don't bring it up while you're feeling upset or anxious. It's important to set boundaries in a relationship so everyone feels comfortable. You and your partner can work out your relationship dynamic to make sure you're happy.

6. He prioritizes you.


Here's the thing, girls: If your man doesn't make you a priority, dump him. Seriously. Dump him. Relationships are about equal give and take. You two are meant to support each other and care for each other. If you're giving more to the relationship than you're getting back, it isn't worth your time. A real man will prioritize the important connection he has with you.

7. He makes time for you, even when he's busy.


We've all had those hectic weeks where we're so busy we can't keep in touch with anyone. But a solid man will make an effort to contact you, even if it's just a quick text before leaving work. This goes hand-in-hand with prioritizing you. Your man should want to talk to you rather than avoiding you for no reason. That's not to say that you should break up with anyone who misses a text for a day or two. Adult lives are too busy to practically expect your significant other to drop everything for you. But you should feel like you matter.

8. He treats you as his equal.


Time and time again, women get caught in the same trap. They do the household chores, clean up after their boyfriend, keep track of their boyfriend's appointments and important dates like a parent, work full time, and squish down their feelings so they can support their boyfriend. The boyfriend, meanwhile, doesn't seem inclined to offer the woman anything except his physical presence. This cycle isn't worth it. Get yourself a man who is actively committed to putting as much into the relationship as he gets back. Take a second and ask yourself: What do you do for your man? What responsibilities do you have? What does he do, and what responsibilities does he have? Are the two lists equal?

How does your man show he cares about you? Maybe you should show him how thankful you are for having him in your life if he checks all 8 signs? Tell us how you feel in the comments below and pass this article on to your loved ones.