8 Key Differences Between Genuine And Fake People

Mar 09, 2018

Depending on your personality, it can either be really difficult or effortless to trust new people. We need supportive friends, colleagues, and acquaintances in our life to help us stay motivated and move forward in life, but a deceptive person could negatively influence how much we trust people.

How do you spot these “fake friends”? It’s not always easy for those who enjoy meeting new people and growing their social circle, but it’s not impossible. Read through for 8 key differences between the trustworthy and the downright dishonest.

1. Respectful vs. Condescending

A genuine person makes a considerable effort to make sure they consider your feelings and that you are comfortable no matter the situation. Their compliments, criticisms, and praise are carefully considered before being shared with you so that you receive honest feedback to grow from. A condescending person performs well in front of those in a position of power for their own selfish gain, and are not afraid to make you look bad or “less” than them to achieve their goals. Your feelings are irrelevant, though they may pretend to care to gain your trust.


2. Seek No Recognition vs. Needing Recognition

Genuine people don’t need to go out of their way to seek recognition as long as you’re happy. That is all that is important to them, so they will often keep their actions hidden. A fake person thrives on recognition and needs praise for everything they do to feel good, otherwise it was for nothing.

3. Alone vs. Spotlight

A genuine person understands the value of alone time and the benefit it has on the mind. They can spend many hours by themselves and be perfectly happy and content. Fake people love to be the center of attention and believe the world revolves around them. They may always try to “one-up” your successes or problems so that they can receive more attention.

4. Humble vs. Arrogant

Receiving compliments and praise for the work you do always feels nice, but a genuine person doesn’t rely on them to feel good. They rather hear about other people’s achievements and learn and grow from each other. This is the exact opposite for an arrogant person who constantly brags about what they’ve earned. They feel the need to be the alpha of their group, so they repeat stories about their achievements to everyone who will listen.

5. Facing You vs. Backstabbing You

If someone is genuine, then they have no problem telling you face-to-face when they have an issue or concern. Since they’re respectful, their words will not be hurtful. A backstabber is a coward when it comes to confrontation and rather say negative things to others when you’re not around, but greet you with a smile on their face. They live for gossip and drama.

6. Walk The Walk vs. Talk The Talk

Genuine personalities do not make empty promises. They follow through with whatever they’ve decided they will achieve and take ownership of any failures without making excuses. Fake people talk themselves up but rarely follow through. If they can’t produce what they promised, they will always have a long list of excuses why.

7. Imperfection vs. Perfection

A genuine person acknowledges that they are always learning and improving their skills, so they value the people who teach them something new or guide them in the right direction. A fake person cannot handle having their own mistakes, so they take pleasure in pointing out everyone else’s instead of their own.

8. Honest Help vs. Ulterior Motive

When a genuine person helps you, it’s because they want to. They’re not seeking any kind of praise or gifts in return, they just want to see you happy and doing well. Fake people help you so that you will help them in return, or pay them back for going out of their way to do something for you. If it’s clear they won’t get anything out of it, they don’t even bother.


Do you know someone who sounds like this? If you do, make sure you cut ties with that person! They’re are bringing you more harm than good.

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