8 Incredible Ways Papaya Seeds Can Benefit Your Liver, Kidney, And Guts
Nov 12, 2018
The papaya is a large fruit known for its sweet flavor. Originally native to southern Mexico, it is now grown in tropical locations worldwide. The fruit of the papaya is loaded with vitamins, folate, potassium, and calcium, and has been recognized for its many health benefits.
However, many of us probably throw away a very important part of the papaya. Not only are papaya seeds edible, but they also carry amazing health benefits for the liver, gut, kidneys and other body systems.
1. Destruction of parasites that live in the intestine
The fruit of the papaya is known to metabolize proteins, which creates a hostile environment for intestinal parasites. However, the seeds contain carpaine, an alkaloid that kills intestinal worms and amoeba parasites. The seeds even destroy parasite eggs before they hatch.
The seeds should be taken at least 30 minutes before breakfast. First, dry seeds completely. Crush to a powder and mix with honey. The mixture can be added to lemon tea. It is most effective when the drink is consumed three times a day.
2. Promotion of kidney health
Research has proven papaya seeds to be useful in protecting the kidneys and prevention of renal failure. They have even proven helpful for kidney diseases and infections. An extract from the seeds detoxifies the kidneys by working against oxidative stress, a major factor in kidney failure in diabetics.
Seeds can be mixed into fruit juice for consumption. For best results, avoid refined foods during treatment.
3. Heals liver cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis is a disease that hardens and shrinks the liver to a condition that it cannot filter toxins from the body. The condition is usually caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. Papaya seeds help detoxify the liver and heal cirrhosis.
Dried or fresh seeds (about 10) should be ground or crushed and mixed with lemon. The mixture is then added to a glass of water. This treatment has shown dramatic results when taken twice daily for 30 days. It is important to speak with your doctor about potential risks when taken with other medications.
4. Reduction of joint inflammation
Both the fruit and seeds of the papaya have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Papain and chymopapain are enzymes that reduce inflammation associated with arthritis and other conditions that cause joint pain and swelling.
5. Kills bacteria and heals viral infections
Papaya seeds work to eliminate inflammation and bad bacteria in your digestive system. An extract created from the seeds has been proven effective in fighting bacterial infections and even treating food poisoning. Papaya seeds are effective killers of E. coli, staph, salmonella, and other dangerous bacteria. Papaya seeds have been used in Nigeria to successfully treat typhoid fever, and in Costa Rica to fight dengue fever.
Early treatment for food poisoning is important for results. Start taking seeds with the first symptoms and take three times daily. It is best to consume a small amount of food with treatment.
6. Fights hypertension
Hypertension or high blood pressure can lead to many serious health problems. Carpaine, found in the fruit, leaves, and seeds of the papaya, has been known to reduce blood pressure naturally.
7. Aids digestion
Many people consume a lot of meat and other high-protein foods. These foods can be hard to digest, which encourages bad bacteria growth and excessive gas. The enzymes in papaya seeds are some of the most powerful agents to break down undigested proteins naturally. Eating a small amount of papaya seeds when eating a high-protein meal can prevent resulting gas, bloating, and constipation.
Fresh seeds can be frozen or dried, and ground for regular use with meals.
8. Slows cancer growth
Papaya seeds contain phenolic and flavonoids. These agents have powerful antioxidant properties useful in diminishing tumor cell growth. Isothiocyanates work to fight leukemia and prostate, breast, lung, and colon cancer.
Beginning Treatment
Papaya seeds do not have the sweet flavor the fruit is known for. The seeds taste bitter and spicy and have been compared to strong flavors like mustard and peppercorn. However, the benefits have been proven, and the seeds can be mixed with other foods in many ways. If the fruit is not available to you, supplements can be purchased online.
Always check with your doctor before trying natural remedies for any illness. Side effects may be experienced, and complications may occur when supplements are mixed with prescription medications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women may not be able to take the seeds. A doctor should be consulted before seeds are consumed by children or patients on blood thinners.
The powerful health benefits of papaya seeds have been proven throughout the world. Would you consider using this natural treatment for serious health problems? Have you tried papaya seeds or know the personal results of someone who has? Experience can help spread knowledge in fighting diseases naturally.
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!