8 Exercises That Everyone With Tired Eyes Should Be Doing

Jul 24, 2018

The process of sight is so important to our body that according to research it composes up to 50% of our entire brain function. As we get older, we may notice slight changes in our eyesight and deterioration. Working with computers can cause these issues to worsen, but thankfully there are some eyesight exercises that can be performed to soothe our eyes after a stressful day. Although technology has advanced in ways that help our daily lives, it means that the majority of our time is spent on some type of computer and can strain our eyesight.

This list of exercises can help you soothe tired eyes, and can be done anywhere at any time!

1. Focus Far And Near


2. Moving Side-To-Side

3. Moving Up And Down

4. Move Eyes Diagonally

5. Moving Eyes In A Circular Motion

6. Blinking

7. Palming

8. 20/20 Exercise

Tired eyes? No need to worry, because these 8 exercises are proven to relax and soothe eyes that become exhausted from performing tasks throughout the day, especially on computers. However, it’s important to remember that if your eyesight begins deteriorating or you’re experiencing eye strain that lasts long-term, you should make a visit to the doctor. Do your eyes get tired throughout the day? Which exercises would you try?

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!