7 Ways He Shows He Loves You Without Saying A Word
Jul 19, 2018
Men aren't always the best with words. When it comes to actions, though, you'll always know what they mean. If you think a guy might be into you, don't wait for him to say it - take a look to see if he's performing one of these seven actions.
1. He Listens
Want a real sign that a guy loves you? Just talk to him and see what happens. If he stops playing with his phone and actively listens, there's a good chance he's got feelings. If he actually does things based on your conversations, it's a lock - he's definitely into you!
2. He Makes Sacrifices
Does he do things for you without asking? If so, he's trying to show you how much he cares. Men who make real sacrifices for women, who go out of their way to do things that make their lives better, are men who are trying to demonstrate their worthiness as partners. If you notice he's putting you first all the time, he's trying to say that he loves you.
3. He's Respectful to Your Friends
Does he go out of his way to be nice to your friends? He's not trying to pick them up - he's trying to show you he cares. Men who are respectful to a woman's friends and family are trying to show that they value a woman's connections. When your friends are catty and judgmental and he takes it all with grace, he's not just being polite - he's showing the depth of his devotion.
4. He Takes Your Side
No, he's not going to take your side all the time just because he loves you. Some guys just aren't into confrontation! If he does stand up for you when it counts, though, he's not just being a stand-up guy. He's trying to show you how important you are and that he's willing to (socially) fight for you!
5. He Always Loves How Your Look
You know you don't always look your best. If he's willing to tell you how beautiful you are when you're at your lowest, it's about more than looks. A man who thinks a woman is beautiful all the time is a man who is in love. This is more than just a compliment - it is a declaration.
6. He's Vulnerable
Men generally hate showing any type of vulnerability. If he's willing to let you in when he's down or hurt, he's making a huge statement. A man who isn't afraid to be vulnerable around you is a man who's showing you exactly how close he thinks you are. This is the equivalent of screaming his feelings from the rooftops.
7. He's Proud!
When a man brags about something, he's showing everyone in the world exactly how important the subject is to him. If he brags about your job, your skills, or even your looks, he's making a statement about your importance to him. If he's always talking you up, he's always telling others how much he loves you.
Does the man in your life take any of these actions? Do actions mean more than words? If you liked this article, pass it on to your friends and loved ones.