7 Surprising Things That Can Change Eye Color

Oct 22, 2018

Everyone wants to see themselves look different. I am sure that you have wondered what your eyes would look like as a different color. It is true that there are factors that can change the color of your iris.

Here are some facts you will be delighted to know about how your eye color can appear to change.

Your Mood 


Extreme emotions can bring a small shock to our bodies, such as overjoy or deep sadness. This can change the way our heart beats and even the way we breathe. It can even change the color of your iris.

Sometimes it is a vague response but other times very intense, which will result in a lighter or darker color to your iris.

Most of the time, only vivid color change has been found in those who experience happiness.


Age & Melatonin

istockphotos.com/Mirko Pernjakovic

Sometimes babies are born with blue eyes, but not all blue-eyed babies will keep their eye color. Many babies between 3-18 months with blue eyes will adopt a darker eye color as they age.

Babies who are born in mountainous regions are often born with blue eyes that will later transform into hazel eyes but the eye color is mostly dependent on the parent’s eye color. It is interesting to note that the final color of eyes for some doesn't fully develop until the age of 12.

Opposite of blue eyes, babies born with brown eyes will not experience any change in color as they age. Research has proven that there are 16 different genes that affect what a babies eye color will be. That is why it's so difficult to predict the eye color before birth. Although dark-eyed people are less prone to eye disease, it is advisable to wear sunglasses.



There is a theory in alternative medicine that the color of the irises and the health of internal organs are connected. The idea of this is called iridology.

There currently isn't enough evidence to support this theory, so as of now, it is considered pseudoscientific. Dr. Robert Morse, who is a health expert for more than a quarter million patients, believes in this theory. Believing that fruits and vegetables can change the color of your eyes, he went as far as to create a series of videos backing up his research.

Above you will find a photo of a girl that has eaten as a raw vegan for 6 years.

She goes on to claim that this diet has affected the color of her eyes. By this girl improving her digestive system, her eyes changed from a green-brown to a lighter more intense green. Also, the whites of her eyes became more bright and clear simply from the way she ate.

Dr. Morse believes that everyone is different than the pigment in your eye may react completely different. He also believes that spinach will help to keep anyones eyes bright, clear and youthful in appearance. Seafood can intensify the color while honey can add warm hues to your eyes. Other foods believed to affect the color are nuts, olive oil and onions.



A tool that most women use to change the way they appear is makeup. That doesn't just apply to their skin tone but also their eye color.

By changing the colors they use, they can create their eye color to appear more intense. Not only do they use makeup as a tool but also clothing, hair color and even jewelry. An example would be someone wearing gold, bright green to make their brown eye color pop.

Blue and green-eyed gals can intensify their eye colors with other options such as the use of the colors blue, turquoise, and emerald. If you wear glasses, ask for your glasses to have an AR-coating. This will reduce the glare on them and allow others to see your eye color more easily.

Residence & Sunlight


The most common eye color is brown. Roughly 55% of the population is brown eyed. In certain places, the percentage of brown eyed people can reach up to 95%. Most of these areas are Asia, South America, Oceania, South Europe, and the Middle East.

The USA doesn't have quite as many people with brown eyes. Brown eyes make up about 50% of their population.

Blue eyes are more common in Denmark, Estonia, and Finland at around 85%. Germans have around 75% and the UK has 50% of blue-eyed people. It is rare, but occasionally blue eye color can be found in the Middle East.

Research shows that blue irises are the result of a mutation that took place around six to ten thousand years in the past. Dr. Eiberg believes that everyone had brown eyes until this mutation took place. It is suggested that the first area this mutation took place was northwest of the Black Sea.

With only 2% of the world population, green eye color is sometimes hard to find. The most common areas to find green-eyed people are Ireland, Brazil, Iceland, Pakistan, Russia, and Spain. An even harder eye color to find is yellow. People with yellow eyes populate less than 2% in the entire world.


Laser treatment is a dangerous procedure which could even cause blindness.

This is , what happened to this Argentinian Instagrammer Nadinne Bruma. Dr. Gregg Homer was the inventor of laser surgery where you can change your eye color. This invention was created in the year 2011. The laser destroys the melanin cell and causes the iris to become lighter. Brown eyes can become blue or gray instead.

The procedure takes only 20 seconds. The final result can be seen in as early as two weeks up to four. Dr. Homer was inspired to invent this procedure after witnessing a dermatologist who removed moles and birthmarks with laser.

Chameleon Eye Color


There are some people who have eyes that can change color. This phenomenon has very little information on it. It is agreed by scientist that it's not a disease. It is usually people that have blue-green or hazel eyes that posses the chameleon eye color. There is no link between vision problems and chameleon eye color and interesting enough, this eye color can't be inherited.

Research shows that eye color is connected in a process with the endocrine and nervous systems and also the quantity of melanin. The eyes will change color in reaction to romantic feeling, weariness, and stress. The eyes can also vary with climate and environment changes.

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