7 Secrets You Should Never Reveal, According To Hindu Philosophy

Aug 31, 2018

Hinduism is considered both a religion and a dharma, a way of life. Much like other religions, Hinduism has a subset of ideologies and practices that are held close to the heart by practitioners. 

Although the term “Hinduism” is relatively new, the philosophy that originated on the Indian subcontinent dates back as far as 1500 BC. Now, there are more than 1.1 billion Hindus across the globe.


The religion encompasses a broad range of philosophies, many of which have been introduced to western society. Two well-known concepts are karma, the natural law of cause and effect, and reincarnation, where the soul evolves through many births, not just one.

One lesser-known ideology in Hinduism is modesty. In fact, practitioners are encouraged to keep certain information about their lives secret. 

One lesser-known ideology in Hinduism is modesty. In fact, practitioners are encouraged to keep certain information about their lives secret. 

Spiritual Knowledge


In Hinduism, it is believed that the spiritual knowledge gained throughout your lifetime is your own, no one else's. While it’s okay to discuss your spiritual journey, it’s important to remember the views and ideologies you follow are fully unique to you. By attempting to push your spiritual knowledge on others, you’re potentially blocking their own unique spiritual journey.

Life Story


Everybody has a life story, each as interesting and complex as the last. In Hinduism, it’s frowned upon to share this story with every person you meet, especially strangers. That’s because your life story, your personal truth, is a piece of your soul. When you give it away to just anyway that crosses your path, it becomes cheapened.

Upcoming Plans


It’s okay to casually mention your goals and dreams. But don’t go into intricate detail about all of your life plans. By giving away all you have to offer, you’re holding the door open for someone to swoop in and take it away. In most cases, Hindus believe the best option is to accomplish the plan first and let others know once finished.

Personal Problems


Talking to close friends and family about personal problems is acceptable. However, when you seek sympathy and support from the public, you present yourself in a weak light. You’re also showcasing that you believe your problems to be more important than others’.

Overheard Gossip


Talking about others in a negative light, especially behind their back, is frowned upon. No good can ever come from gossip. In Hinduism, practitioners try to hold themselves to a higher standard, forgoing practices like gossiping that will bring about negative karma.

Acts of Kindness


When you perform an act of selflessness, it should be done out of the kindness of your heart. Not because you’re looking for recognition or compensation. When you brag about the kind things you do, you are telling others that you aren’t truly a kind person. Kindness needs no words.

Sex Life


Unless necessary, don’t go sharing details about your sex life with others. Not only can it make others around you feel uncomfortable, but it is also disrespectful to your partner or significant other. It is, however, appropriate to discuss sex life with your partner when trying to openly communicate.

Do you have a personal philosophy? Tell us what secrets you keep! Show this to your friends and family to spread the word.