7 Questions You Need To Discuss With Your Kids - This Knowledge Could Save Their Lives

Sep 04, 2018

With school just around the corner, your children are about to learn new knowledge and meet new friends. While going to school is exciting, it can actually be a dangerous time. When you are not around all the time, your child has to make decisions about potential dangers. 

The following seven questions were designed by security specialists. They help you talk about serious topics with your child and may save your child's life. To make this discussion more fun, try turning these questions into a game. 


1. Will You Accept Candy From Strangers? 

Answer: It is never safe to take a candy, toy or treat from a stranger. While your neighbors might offer you candy from time to time, they know your family and where you live. If your child is talking to someone unfamiliar, they should never take any treats from them. 

2. An Adult On The Streets Asks You For Help. What Do You Do? 

Answer: If someone needs help, they will find an adult to assist them. Someone who seriously needs help will call the police or other authorities. If an adult asks your child for help, they should refuse and leave the area as soon as possible. 

3. Would You Visit A Friend You Just Met? 

Answer: It is never alright to go to a stranger's house. While this is especially true for adults, it also applies to children who are the same age as your child. Your child should refuse the invitation. They can make up a story that they are waiting for their parents to arrive or need to ask their parents first. 

4. You Realize That You Are Being Followed. What Do You Do? 


Answer: In this scenario, the safest course of action is to go to an extremely public place. Go to a place like a pharmacy or a supermarket where you can call your parents. 

5. What Should You Do If A Pack Of Dogs Surrounds You? 

Answer: If this happens, your child needs to remain as calm as possible. He or she should avoid looking into the dogs' eyes because this could be seen as an act of aggression. Do not throw anything directly at the dogs. If you have a stick or a toy at hand, toss it gently to the side to distract the dogs. Then, slowly back away from the dogs. Do not turn your back on the dogs as you leave. 

6. What Should You Do If You Are Suddenly In A Large Crowd Of People? 

Answer: Do not try to move against the crowd because it will not work. Instead, try to move gradually toward the edge of the crowd. If you see an adult you know like a friend's parent or a teacher, you can ask them to put you on their shoulders so that you can see better. 

7. What Should You Do If You Are Grabbed By A Stranger Who Will Not Let Go? 


Answer: If this happens, try to get other people to pay attention as much as possible. Scream, fight, shout, bite or howl loudly. You do not have to behave like a quiet, obedient child in this situation. Be as loud as possible so that other adults notice that you are in trouble. Shout out, “This is not my mother or father.” This will help other people realize that you are in trouble and being kidnapped. 


Since you cannot always be around your child, it is important to discuss how he or she can remain safe when they are alone. If your child has a phone, make sure that it is fully charged when they leave in the morning. Discuss these questions and work through the answers together. You can also act out unusual or dangerous situations so that your child knows how to respond. 

Have you taught your children how to stay safe in these situations? Let us know your experiences in the comments, and show this article to your friends and family who have children! It could save a life.