7 Personal Things About Yourself To Never Tell Others
Jul 03, 2018
You might be a pretty trusting person or believe that some people can be trusted with fairly sensitive information. However, there are certain things that are best kept to yourself. While you might want to share them with certain people, doing so might instead just cause problems. These are seven things that you'll be advised to not let out of the bag.
1. Old Grudges
You might have some bad memories involving people from your past. While you might want to talk about them with people, it's best to just let them go. When you seem so fixated on the past, you become unable to enjoy the present. Then, people have trouble enjoying your company, because you're ruminating. The past is past and can't be changed. However, you have the power to make the present and the future better for yourself. When you hold grudges, you just let the negative effects of the past ruin your present.
2. What You Own
There's nothing worse than someone who tries to define themselves through their belongings. They'll try to cultivate a personality via possessions instead of actually having a possession. While you can talk about things you have, it should come up organically in the conversation. You shouldn't be seeking approval or praise by dropping your expensive gadgets into conversations at every turn.
3. Your Future Goals
If you have a plan to lose fifty pounds or to write a novel by the end of the year, that's wonderful. You probably want to tell the first person you see. However, doing so can backfire tremendously. When you tell people about your goals, you can feel like it's a foregone conclusion that you'll achieve them. So, you don't feel motivated to actually see them through. Then, you become frustrated because you told people you would do something but didn't.
4. Your Money Situation
Bringing up your finances is a surefire way to seem dull and obnoxious. There is really no reason to bring this up in social situations. How much money someone has isn't anyone's business but they're own. If you are bragging about your salary or savings, you could be indirectly insulting or stressing out someone who is much less financially secure. Are you proud of your financial situation? That's great, just keep it to yourself.
5. Your Generosity
A good deed truly is its own reward. When you do something for another person, you should be happy that you helped someone. You shouldn't be using it as an opportunity to validate yourself. Telling people about your kind acts makes it seem like you're less invested in helping others and more invested in making yourself look good.
6. Finding Inner Peace
If you have gone through a reawakening after a period of feeling lost and confused, you should be elated. However, you should also be careful about spreading this around to others. While it's great to find peace with the world, what works for you might not work as well for others. Let people find their own solutions without being insistent that you try their way.
7. Family strife
If your family is stressing you out, don't spill it out to others. The stress of family life is a reality that many people have to face. When you tell them about your family drama, they might feel pressured to share their own family drama. You shouldn't put this pressure on anyone, and the best thing to do is ignore the topic completely.
A huge part of proper social etiquette is knowing when to keep things to yourself. Don't think that this limits the conversations you can have. Instead, it can positively expand the conversation potential as you look to new things to discuss. You and your conversational partners should both appreciate the new avenues that your talks can take as a result.
Please consider this list and show it to your friends who might need help with keeping things to themselves.