7 Key Steps To Happiness

Aug 07, 2018

Happiness can often seem like a faraway concept only available to a select few. However, anyone can be happy if they put their mind to it. To achieve happiness, you have to put in work. It's just like how you need to put in work to achieve your dream body or advance your career. Here are seven ways you can hope to achieve happiness.

1. Turn off your brain


A mind is certainly a terrible thing to waste, but it's also terrible to use your mind too much. If you're overthinking, you aren't going to be able to enjoy the moment for what it is. You need to learn to just let things be without analyzing them to death. When you catch yourself thinking so much, just acknowledge that your mind is going awry and let yourself just absorb the present. You'll feel much better knowing that you are able to let things go.


2. Use your smile


Smiles are associated with happiness. When something good happens, we instinctually enter into a smile. You don't need to have anything particularly good happening to smile. In fact, smiling can actually help trigger a more positive mood. Just take a moment to smile and see how much it improves your mood.

3. Be a better listener


When we are trapped in our minds, we can forget that there are others around us. They have experiences and perspectives that should be heard. Be mindful of how much you're speaking versus how much you're listening. In conversations, you should open the floor to as many different voices as possible. This will help make you a more well-rounded person.

4. Be less judgemental


Unhappy people tend to find fault in everything, including themselves. In order to be truly happy, you need to be willing to embrace things that may have bothered you in the past. There are going to be imperfections, but imperfections are what makes the world beautiful. Learn to find beauty in everything and you'll be much happier.

5. Take action

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Procrastination can feel good at the moment, but it can deepen unhappiness by keeping us from accomplishing anything. You need to go out on a limb if you want to be happy. It might be scary to risk failure, but it's better to try and fail than to not try at all. The greatest moments in life come from taking chances.

6. Stop complaining


If people had a dollar for every time they complained, they would hopefully have enough money to stop complaining. No, life isn't perfect, but people seem too willing to find fault in everything. When you feel the urge to complain, take a step back and think about whether it's actually worth it. Instead, you should embrace just how much goes well in your life, from having a place to live from being able to read an article like this.

7. Get over fears


When things scare you, they can trick you into thinking they're insurmountable. In fact, your fears are only as big as you make them. When you show your fears that they're no bigger than you, you gain an incredible sense of pride and resilience. You can feel so much happier knowing that nothing can stop you.

Happiness is only as far away as we make it. By taking accountability for our lives, we can achieve things like never before. We encourage you to give us your thoughts on how you have made yourself happier. Show this to your friends so they can start on a journey of happiness.