6 Yoga Poses To Relieve Sciatica Pain For Good

Feb 27, 2018

Close to 40% of adults will have experienced sciatica pain at some point in their lives. Sciatica is defined as pain, numbness or tingling anywhere from your lower back to your feet. It is caused by a compression of the sciatic nerve. Luckily though, help is at hand! We have 6 super easy yoga poses below, which, when exercised regularly, will relieve sciatica symptoms as well as strengthen muscles to prevent it returning.

Child's Pose

This exercise is a great way to stretch out back muscles. Simply kneel on the floor, resting your behind on your heels. Then slowly lower your head to the floor with your arms out extended. As with any yoga pose, it's important to stretch but not force a pose. Ensure you relax into this stretch so as not to add further strain to your muscles. Hold the pose for around 30 seconds.


Seated Twist

For this stretch, all you need to do is sit on the floor in a cross-legged position. If it’s more comfortable, sit on a folded towel to raise your hips.

Stretch your spine, and as you inhale, place your right hand palm down on the floor behind you and your left hand on your right knee. On the exhale, move deeper into the twist while looking over your right shoulder. Hold for five breaths, then switch sides.

Knee-To-Chest Pose

This stretch can be adjusted as you see fit. In the photograph, for example, she is extremely flexible so she is bringing both knees to her chest at the same time in order to add an extra stretch. For the average Joe though (like me!), bringing one knee to your chest at a time will be enough of a stretch. Depending on your pain, you may want to place a hand on your knee to deepen the stretch, or simply relax into it.

Reclined Cow Face Pose

This stretch targets your hip flexors in particular and can feel a little odd when you first try it! Normally this pose will be done in a seated pose, however, bringing it into a recline will alleviate pressure on your spine which is the aim of the game. 

Start by lying on your back. Cross your right knee over your left, winging your feet out to the sides slightly. Take hold of the outer edge of your right foot with your left hand and the outer edge of your left foot with your right hand. Keep your knees on top of each other, and direct your feet with your hands, moving them so that your shins form a single continuous line. Bend your elbows and flex your feet. Breathe here for a count of at least five deep breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Reclined Hamstring Stretch

For this pose, all you need to do is lay on your back then slowly raise one leg straight in the air. You can cup your hands around your thigh is you need extra support. You can also use a towel or stretch elastic to pull safely on your leg to get the most out of the stretch. After holding for a few breaths, switch sides.

Simple Supine

Consider this pose the detox after all your hard work. For this stretch, simply lay flat on your back as if you're about to make a snow angel. Feet should be hip-width apart and your hands should be at your side, palm up. 


It's important to remember that these exercises, while a benefit to the majority of people, may not suit each and every individual so if you are experiencing chronic back pain, seek out the advice of a doctor before starting any home-remedies. 

I've been doing these exercises now for a while and I've already noticed such a big difference. Be sure to SHARE with your friends and let us know in the comments how you get on!