6 Signs Your Spirit Guides Are Trying To Communicate With You

Mar 02, 2018

Have you ever felt guided by a feeling, a gut feeling that you should do or say something in particular? That was no doubt your spirit guides trying to help you on your path. When we pass away, our energies pass on as spirit guides which remain with those we love. They guide us and try to talk to us. But how do we know when they're doing this? Read on to find out.

You Have Vivid Dreams or Visions During Meditation

Dreams and meditation are well-known ways to communicate with our spirits. Some of us feel more connected than others, but if you experience vivid visions then be sure that your spirit guides are trying to talk with you. 

In your dreams, you are much more closely aligned with other realms and dimensions so it should come as no surprise that your spirits are trying to guide you in that moment.


Your Senses Are More Enhanced

They say that smell is a strong trigger for memories, but the other senses are also a powerful way for our spirit guides to talk to us. They may be trying to draw our attention to something in particular, or simply making their presence known.

For some, the experience can be overwhelming, but try to relax and let your spirit guides take you where they want because it's bound to be important and a help.

Electronics Go On The Blink

When our electronics begin to act up it can easily send us into a rage, especially if we're trying to do something important. But it's important to remember that spirits are a strong force of energy, so it's understandable that our electrical devices act up when our spirit guides are near. This is often a sign from your spirit guide that you need to address the issue at hand.

You Can't Explain How You Know Some Things

Have you ever found yourself telling a friend or family member something but you have no clue where or why you ever learned it? That could be your spirit guides talking to you. Spirit guides have a way of communicating with us telepathically because they were once closely connected to us. It is important not to shut out these messages. They help lead our intuition too because they know us so intimately so be sure to let the experience wash over you.

You Shiver Unexpectedly

Have you ever shivered despite the fact you're not cold? Or notice you're covered in goosebumps even though you're toasty warm? This will often occur when you are talking or thinking of a deceased loved one. So be comforted by the fact they wish to show they're still with you, even if it's no longer in the same realm or on the same wavelength.

You Feel Guided

The feeling that something is drawing you, pulling you, guiding you in a certain direction is no coincidence. As the name suggests, spirit guides act as our invisible lighthouse. They are the beacon on the horizon, so it's hardly surprising that they guide us through our lives. 

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