5 Ways Yelling At Children Affects Their Brain
Apr 17, 2018
How many of us were yelled at by our parents when we were younger? Is it something you've been guilty of doing with your own children? It's an easy trap to fall into. Children know just how to push our buttons and it can sometimes feel like we're about to explode because ultimately we just want what's best for them!
Read on to find out what 5 things happen when parents yell at their children:
1. Yelling Fosters Fear
A recent study published in Journal of Child Development found that children raised in an environment where yelling is common are more likely to develop psychological issues and conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress and behavioral problems. Nobody wants that for their children so try to discipline in a calmer manner, your kids will thank you for it!
2. Yelling Destroys Trust
A report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that "a chronic pattern of psychological maltreatment destroys a child's sense of self and personal safety." In other words, a child's confidence is destroyed more and more, the more you yell at them. It is important that children be nurtured as well as disciplined so be wary of your tone when correcting your child's behavior.
3. Yelling Is A Short-Term Solution To Bad Behavior
Similarly, if your child is only making the desired changes because they want you to stop yelling, they are unlikely to maintain these changes long-term. A recent study found that shouting at kids is the least-effective way of disciplining. Instead, set your children boundaries and goals that they can reasonably achieve.
4. Yelling Doesn't Get The Message Across
You may not know this, but the tone of your voice may prevent your child from understanding what you're trying to teach them. As the old saying goes, it's not what you say, but how you say it." Research has shown that this is, in fact, very true. Your child is less likely to be able to process what you're saying if you're yelling. The motivation for change is also skewed in children when you yell. A child will do as you say, not because they understand their mistake, but because they want the yelling to stop. Instead, try a deeper tone to indicate you are unhappy with them.
5. Yelling At A Child Teaches Them To Yell When They're Older
Everyone knows the phrase "teach by example". Well, this goes for yelling at children too. A Brown University study found that by age 9, most children have learned habits and routines that they will take with them into adult life. That includes learning to yell. If you don't want your children to fall into the same trap you have, be sure to avoid yelling where possible!
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