5 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Go Vegan

Jun 11, 2018

So, you’re considering going vegan! Or maybe you're just hear out of curiousity. In either case, I’m sure, like most, you may have your doubts. You might be asking yourself, “How will veganism affect my health? What’s going to happen to my body?” 

A vegan lifestyle causes so many changes to your body! From the way you digest your food, to the appearance of your skin; so many new, positive changes are taking place! Here are a few of the changes you may experience: 


1. You’ll have clearer skin!

If you have bad skin, dairy might actually be the culprit, Dairy is a cow’s breastmilk, full of natural growth hormones that are meant to turn a baby calf into a 400+ pound cow. Since you’re a human - not a baby cow - these hormones can have a negative effect on your skin. The human body already makes our own hormones – we don’t need extra! Loading up on all these extra hormones can cause acne, inflammation, oily skin, and various other conditions. Once you cut meat and dairy out of your diet, you can kiss problem skin, “goodbye”

2. Your digestion will improve 

Going vegan can actually give your metabolism a bit of a kick! Meat stays in our digestive tract significantly longer than plant-based foods - which are full of water and fiber, and are digested much more quickly - which may cause you to be hungry more often and need to eat more frequently. But, don’t worry; eating more while on a plant-based diet is actually a good thing! Fruits and vegetables are loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients that we need in our diet, and have significantly less calories than animal-based foods, meaning that you can safely eat more without packing on the weight! And by the way… 

3. You’ll actually lose weight! 

Since plant-based foods are lower in calories, you’re likely to burn more calories than you consume, which is necessary for adequate weight loss. In order to lose weight, and keep it off, you’ll need to eat a primarily whole foods diet. This means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and other healthy fats and legumes. Having a diet high in fiber and nutrients (as mentioned above), will kick start your metabolism, and the weight will just fall right off! 

4. You’ll go to the bathroom more 

Because whole plant foods are so high in fiber and water content, which is beneficial for your intestines to move waste along more quickly, you’ll need to visit the bathroom more frequently. Although you’ll go more often you’ll actually spend significantly less time in the bathroom, overall. To put it bluntly, you’ll poo so much quicker – no more long, embarrassing trips to the bathroom! 

5. Your smell will change! 

Since you’ll be digesting and expelling waste quicker ( as mentioned in the paragraphs above), this gives your food less time to hang around in your body and ferment, the way meat does. On top of that, you’ll be eating less processed and chemically/hormonally treated foods, which have a negative effect on the way your gas, breath, and even your sweat, can smell. By eating a whole foods plant-based diet (or simply put, by being vegan), you’ll actually have better smelling body odor – and in some cases, none at all! 

Spread The Word

So now you know what can happen to your body once you go vegan, why not inform others? Show this article to your friends, or anyone you know that’s considering going vegan, and help move them along on their journey to a happy, healthy body!