5 Reasons You Are Constipated According To Doctors

May 30, 2018

Constipation can be an incredibly inconvenient thing, ranging from disrupting a day to completely ruining one with indescribable amounts of pain.

However, did you know that there are 5 important factors that you may not know about that might be affecting your likelihood of being constipated?

#1. Dehydration

Staying hydrated is a way to make sure that your bowel cycle stays regular, so, naturally, if you become dehydrated you can also risk your bowel cycle becoming interrupted and stagnant. This is key to remember during the summer months when you may be running around a lot in the sun and getting significantly dehydrated without knowing why! To combat this, be sure to drink up so you can get the right amount of liquids.


#2. Lack Of Fiber

It's pretty well-known that fiber is a key factor in getting your body to poop more regularly, and that's definitely for a reason. It's advised by medical professionals to not underestimate the amount of fiber you need on a daily basis, and, if you're not getting enough, you may have found the reason as to why you're feeling constipated.

#3. You're Sedentary

If you sit too much, be careful; you may be subjecting your body to unnecessary bouts of constipation. Sitting down too much has definitely come under fire recently for being harmful, so be careful—if you spend too much time looking at screens, you may be prone to more constipation than is necessary.

#4. Depression

When you're upset, depressed, or anxious, your brain will interrupt your bowel movements, causing you to be constipated. If you're feeling particularly under-the-weather or are dealing with an intense bout of mental illness, it might be affecting your body in ways you might not expect!

#5. Genetics

Probably the most shocking of all these statistics is that if you're a woman, you may be suffering from constipation more than your male counterparts. Yup, it's true: being female raises your risk of chronic constipation, according to sources.


Were you aware of these factors that increase your risk of chronic constipation? Write down your thoughts for everyone to see. Don't forget to send this article to your friends and family members that can benefit from it.


Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!