5 Reasons Why Today's Parenting Techniques Fail
Sep 25, 2018
Raising children is and always will be a difficult job. Many people complain that the majority of today's children are not being raised properly. For this reason, the child-rearing sector is currently in crisis. The following 5 reasons should show why certain parenting techniques fail in today's time.
1) Times have changed
In old children's movies, obstinate children were often pulled by the ears or reprimanded by the bus driver, and adults were considered authority figures. However, these old movies and the attitudes they represent can't be compared with the present day. There is basically no support for parental authority anymore.
Adults hardly dare to say anything if a child is misbehaving. A good example is school. If the teacher has something to complain about, they must count on the parents reprimanding the child. It is difficult to count on support from other adults.
2) Parents put up with too much
Every child makes mistakes or misbehaves from time to time. After all, they should learn from their mistakes. No child is perfect, but the parents accept the bad behavior too easily and don't react appropriately. They merely notice that the bad behavior is happening. Children are particularly capable of learning at a young age. Since respecting others and using manners are very important, parents and authority figures in a children's life must teach them to children when they are young.
3) The easy way out is preferred
Many parents want to save themselves a lot of stress and headaches, and they prefer the easy way out by using a short cut. There is a suitable response for every situation. If the little one is hungry, he gets a box of delicious food. Even during long car journeys, a child's mind can be distracted by short breaks with a tablet. These tools are by no means wrong or questionable, and they can be real life savers in emergency situations.
However, parents shouldn't rush to calm their child down at the sound of a complaint or whimper. By doing this, the child never learns to accept the situation and to be patient when the situation cannot be changed. Everyone wants to protect their child from unpleasant experiences. However, unpleasant experiences are just as much a part of life as the pleasant ones are.
4) Fear of your own children
In principle, it is good for children to have a say. Their opinion should be taken seriously and respected. This is the only way they can only become honest and self-confident adults who can make independent decisions. This is especially important today when obedience and subordination play an ever smaller role in our society.
Unfortunately, the life of today's children seems to be very organized. Among other things, this can negatively impact the child's bond to their parents. After school, they go to sports and then to private music lessons or tutoring. Ultimately, the needs of the little ones will come to the foreground, and the parents will be afraid of them.
5) Neglecting your own needs
Without question, children are at the heart of every family. But many parents dedicate their whole lives to their kids. As a result, they neglect not only their own needs but also their spouse's. Parents should absolutely get to enjoy their interests more. Raising a child is definitely not a piece of cake, but you can't forget your own life. Children also need to learn that their parents are people with needs and wants. This is a big way they will learn to treat other people with respect later in life.
In summary, opinions vary widely in the field of child rearing. A lot of problems can be resolved by eliminating small behaviors and ways of thinking. However, only very few people are prepared to do so. Uninvolved people always see the situation differently than parents. Parents are always trying to do their best, and a criticism from a non-parent can lead to fierce discussions. If you have a child yourself, you should think about the current situation in child rearing and find the best solution for yourself.
Which camp are you in? Are you a strict parent or do you give your child a lot of freedom? Show this article to your friends so you can discuss child-rearing methods!