5 Reasons Tauruses Make The Best Friends
Jul 19, 2018
Every sign of the Zodiac has its good and bad points, but a Taurus has some of the best qualities that make for a great friend. Below are five ways your Taurus friend will prove to be one of your best.
1. Loyalty

The sign of Taurus is the head of a bull, and Tauruses have a reputation for being bull-headed. They can also be stubborn know-it-alls. However, Tauruses have one trait that their closest friends feel makes up for any of that, and it is fierce loyalty. You never have to worry whether a Taurus has your back.

2. Forthrightness
You will never have to wonder what a Taurus thinks, because they are always ready to make sure you know what's on their mind. Tauruses like to learn and share what they've learned, but they never lose sight of the fact that relationships are important. They put a lot of effort into making sure those relationships are strong.
3. Funny
Everyone loves to laugh, and Tauruses will keep you laughing. They have a great sense of humor, and they are also very quick to laugh at themselves. You won't stay serious for long with a Taurus friend around.
4. Accepting
Your Taurus friends will never judge you although they might be a bit more honest than you'd necessarily want from time to time. For example, they won't hesitate to tell you exactly what they think of your appearance. However, they are only doing it because they genuinely think they are being helpful. Your Taurus friend will accept you exactly as you are and will not try to change you.
5. Stubbornness
It's true that Tauruses are stubborn, but it might be better to say they are tenacious. While that stubbornness can sometimes be frustrating, you'll appreciate it when you're up against what seems like insurmountable odds and your Taurus friend does not give up. When your vacation plans or anything else look in danger of going away, your Taurus friend will do everything to get things back on track.
Do you agree that a Taurus makes the best friend? Tell us why in the comments, or make a case for another sign of the Zodiac.