5 Reasons Babies Born In June Are Special

Jun 05, 2018

Babies born in the month of June are said to be the best behaved and deserve to be celebrated. There are many reasons why being born in June is so great and what you can look forward to in the years to come with your new little bundle.

1. They Have A Less Likely Chance Of Having Heart Issues

That's right, being born in June is good for your baby's health. Because of the pollen and springtime air quality issues, when your baby is born in the middle of these high allergy seasons, they are less likely to develop respiratory issues such as asthma later on in life. There is a more likely chance for these issues to arise if your child was born in any other month.


2. They Have A Less Likely Chance of Having Allergies

For much of the same reasons, if your baby is born in the spring or early summer months, they are less likely to have allergy issues as well. Having the benefit of fewer allergy problems might be worth it to plan out your next pregnancy so you are due in June, especially if you or a loved one struggles with bad allergies as the seasons change.

3. They Will Go To Sleep Much Later

If you have a child who is struggling with going to bed at a decent early hour, you might ask yourself what month they were born in. If they were born in any spring or summer month, chances are that you have a night owl on your hands. The babies born in the fall and winter months are more likely to go to bed when you want them to. After a lot of studies, it has been proven that the month a child was born in does not have any effect on when they will wake up in the mornings.

4. They Have Much More Luck In Life

A study was done in 2004 over the internet to determine how lucky babies were in relation to the month they were born. Those born in the month of June tend to be the luckiest of the bunch. One of the reasons why many people believe this is because of the fact that in the spring and summer months parents spend more time with their kids. The more time parents spend with their kids, the better off your children are going to be!

5. They Have A Better Outlook On Life

It has been proven that babies born in the month of June are more optimistic and happier in general. The reason for this is because of the hours they get in the daylight during the summer months. The more time you spend in the summer, the better off you will be and the happier you will be about the things life throws at you. When you soak in vitamin D, your body is able to absorb the rays and in turn, you will be happier. Since babies born in June come in the middle of the longest daylight days of the year, they are naturally the happiest of all!

Do you have babies born in June? What makes your baby special? Write down your thoughts and experiences for everyone to see. Don't forget to send this article to your friends and family who are expecting or already have babies!