5-Month-Old Baby Reaches 50th And Final State In Cross-Country Road Trip

Oct 25, 2018

Every parent has dreams for their children. Many parents will start planning for their baby's future before it's even born. But, how many parents try to set a world-record with their new baby? Watch this video and see how these two parents went way above and beyond to create a monumental experience for their baby.

Lim and Tristan Yeats already had a goal of visiting all fifty states. They had already visited 19 states when they discovered All Fifty States Club.

That's when they thought about including their baby in their family goal. She could be the youngest person in history to visit all 50 states.

To date, a two-year-old was the youngest on record. Lim had taken a year off of work for a maternity leave, so, they decided to start over with their goal after the baby was born and see you quickly they could visit all 50 states. They were hoping to, maybe, set a world record and create a mark in history for their little newborn.


Soon after their baby, Harper, was born their family's quest began. The Australian couple who live in Canada and their baby began their whirlwind four-month tour managing to visit all 50 states. The family chronicled their trip with a photograph of them at the border of each state proudly marking their accomplishment.

Watch the video and see the highlight of their goal that happened recently in Vermont, as the family took their 50th photo at the state line marking the culmination of their conquest. Not only had little Harper visited all 50 states, but, she may very well be the youngest person to ever do so according to the All Fifty States Club.

Lim and Tristen have submitted their record to the Guinness World Record to see if she is eligible to be listed as a record-breaker. While there isn't currently a record being tracked for this feat,

Guinness is considering adding it to their list. The family has submitted their documentation and are hoping for the best. Lim and Tristen said the best part of the expedition was that they were able to achieve their goal as a family.

Visiting all 50 states is quite an achievement for anyone. The fact that this young family with a baby was able to pull it off is quite impressive, to say the least.

So, who else has managed to pull off something like this? Or, maybe someone has tried to set another world record. Let us know! Pass this on to your friends and family if it amazed you as much as it amazed us!