4 Guys Follow Drunk Teen With Her “Dad’ When Hunch Tells Them Something Is Not Right

Jan 19, 2019

You probably don't know what to refer to it as outside of your innate "Spidey Sense," but sometimes people feel as if something is off about a situation. When intuition senses something wrong, it activates the figurative alarm bell in our brains. Either we carry on our merry way or are drawn towards whatever doesn't seem right.

When four Canadian teens listened to their senses of intuition just three weeks ago, they found something they didn't want to come across. Can you guess what activated their collective "Spidey Sense"?

Four teenagers - Arnaud Nimenya, Starlyn Rives-Perez, James Hielema, and Carsyn Wright - were skateboarding on a weeknight. Taking a break from their grinding, sliding, and flipping escapades session at their favorite parking garage to skate at, they collectively saw a dapper-looking adult male - he was dressed to the nines, as they say - walking hurriedly alongside an outwardly angry, seemingly inebriated young female.

She seemed to be even younger than the skateboarders, the four-deep skateboarding crew said.

Although they don't remember exactly what the screaming, yelling, out-of-place teenager exclaimed, she expressed concerns that she didn't want to be there with the man in the parking garage


A couple of the Canadian teenagers approached the odd-looking couple to see what was going on. The man reportedly said nothing of value to them, swiftly brushing off their attempt to touch base with the off-kilter pair.

After the teens continued their inquiries, the well-dressed mystery man stated definitively that he was the girl's father.

The teens felt like they couldn't rightfully escalate the situation any further. After all, what if the man actually were the girl's father?

Just a few minutes after the mild confrontation, the four Canadian skateboarders left the parking garage. For some reason other than Spidey Senses, the group went back into the parking garage where they last saw the supposed father-and-daughter combo.

It turns out that the skateboarding teens walked in on the suited-up adult male just seconds away from sexually assaulting her. As the four young men ran towards the man, he ran away as fast as he could. One skateboarder remained with the girl while the other three good-hearted Canadians ran after the man.

The four got in a brawl in which the attempted sexual assaulter tried to hit one of the teens with his own skateboard! Police ended up arresting the man and giving each of the boys a medal.

Although the four teens felt something was wrong in the first place, they made the right decision not to instigate a confrontation upon their initial encounter. They also made the right move to run after him and secure the girl. What do you think you'd do in a situation like that?