25 Ways To Detect Clairsentience In Yourself

May 23, 2018

Everyone is capable of intuiting information in various ways, many of which are perfectly acceptable to the masses. However, there are some other ways that seem innate but are forced out by society as you age. Clairvoyance is perhaps the best known psychic method of intuiting information, but there are others. For instance, while clairvoyance means clear seeing, clairsentience means clear feeling. Here are some ways to tell if you might be clairsentient.

1. Your feelings are felt with great sensitivity. Negative emotions affect you strongly, and you tend to overthink things.


2. People make you feel drained, so you only spend time with a select few who don't make you feel that way.

3. You see problems right away in someone, and others often come to you for advice.

4. You love historical sites because you can feel the ancient energy layers.

5. Your ability to empathize with others is so great that it helps you heal quickly.

6. While you only have a small group of friends, you can easily socialize with anyone since you can resonate with them.

7. Your life has been defined by dealing with emotions, and they often engulf you.

8. Dark, tight spaces make you uncomfortable since you prefer the lighter energy of open spaces.

9. Your deep feelings often translate to deep thinking. This leads to overthinking about existential topics.

10. By using clear thinking and clear feeling together, you can get a better picture of the whole truth.

11. You know that energy translates to feeling, which causes you to be careful about your speech.

12. Small triggers will often set off strong feelings that are related to trauma points that must be dealt with.

13. You have more wisdom than your age predicates because you can learn by feeling.

14. You were one of the first to realize the importance of spiritual or quantum ideas.

15. You've felt different your entire life, and you think differently than many others around you.

16. You might feel like an introvert, but you might actually be an extrovert who's too sensitive to public places.

17. You could feel like an extrovert, but you stick with a core group you truly trust.

18. You've had religious or spiritual experiences that can't be explained and revealed great truth.

19. Your snap judgements about people tend to be accurate.

20. You trust your feelings more than your sight, and this applies to everything in your life.

21. When something goes wrong, you react strongly. You might feel like a perfectionist, but it's really just deep emotion.

22. The intentions of others are always quite clear to you, and you can sense strange behavior or secondary motives.

23. Pain in your life has been received as a gift that taught you how to be your true self.

24. Nonphysical entities surround you all the time, and you can feel a connection with spirits and other ethereal beings. You might feel a call to visit nature, or you might sense something in your room at night with you.

25. You know that there is suffering in the world because you can feel it, and you want to help those rise above it however they can.

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