$22 Million Lottery Winner Keeps 30-Year Promise To Give Half Of Any Win To Best Pal

Jul 26, 2020

There is friendship, and then there is true friendship. A promise made in 1992 has been upheld by Thomas Cook to his friend Joseph Feeney when they shook hands and promised that if either of them ever won the lottery, they would split the winnings. Now that Thomas has won $22 million through the Wisconsin lottery this year, he will be splitting it with his best friend.

Earlier this year Thomas had a big surprise when he won the Wisconsin State Lottery. According to an interview done by the Wisconsin Lottery, he was sitting down eating his breakfast when he found out he had won $22 million–a truly life-changing sum. 

After getting his wife to confirm the numbers were in fact real, he called Joseph to give him the good news that he too was now a millionaire. Joseph couldn't believe it and thought his friend was pulling a practical joke on him.


Thomas and Joseph had played the draw every week since it first began, and in 1992 they shook on the deal and vowed that if they ever won, they would split the jackpot between them. It was one of those things they never thought would ever become a reality.

The duo still hasn't decided what they'll do with their respective shares of the jackpot yet, but the money will certainly go a long way in ensuring they have a very comfortable retirement. Thomas has already quit his job and said that this will mean he is able to spend a lot more time with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, something that he is very much looking forward to.

"We can pursue what we feel comfortable with. I can't think of a better way to retire," he told Express & Star. When asked about keeping his promise Joseph said, “A handshake’s a handshake, man.” What a great time to win a fortune! We think there is much to learn from these honorable gentlemen.

What do you think about these friends keeping their word to each other after 30 years? Would you keep this promise to your best friend? Let us know below, and share this positive message with your own friends and family.